What is Alarm decoration in EBO (EcoStruxure Building Operation) and how is it set up?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Building Operation WorkStation
Alarm decoration is used when you wish to change the alarm configuration or appearance in the alarm list for a specific alarm or a group of alarms if it meets certain conditions specified when setting up the alarm decoration.
If any alarm in the system meets the conditions specified when setting up the alarm decoration the alarm will be displayed in the alarm list as specified in the alarm decoration rule.
Examples of alarm specifications that can be changed by an alarm decoration rule are:
- Alarm text message
- Alarm priority
- Auto hide
- Background color
See the video below:
The video will show how to:
- Create an Alarm decoration
- Set up an Alarm decoration filter with the conditions:
-Alarm text: *offline*
-Priority: 20 - Set up Alarm decoration presentation with the specifications:
-Priority: 300
-Auto hide: Yes
After the Alarm decoration is set up any alarm in the system where "offline" is part of the alarm text and having priority 20 will be auto hidden and given the priority 300.