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Posted: 2025-01-0809:41 AM
APC Back-UPS 1000S (BR1000MS) Battery Issue
I've had this UPS since 2019 and it's no longer in warranty. I've never actually tested that it works but the other day, I unplugged it from the wall, it switched to battery for half a sec and turned off even though the battery meter said 100% on both the LCD and in Powerchute.
I thought the battery was dead so I bought another one, put it in and left it charging for an entire day, same thing. Turns off almost immediately after unplugging. The battery meter continues to show 100% even if I disconnect the battery from the unit.
Installation Date: Update the battery installation date via Power Chute.
Self Test: Manually initiate a self test and let it complete. If this step fails call this out with the error message.
Battery Calibration: Once the battery is 100% SOC (State of Charge). Initiate a battery calibration with at least 30% attached load on the outputs. Let this process complete and battery return to 100% SOC.
Wait an hour than remove AC Mains from the wall outlet. What are the results of doing so?!? Report back what Power Chute indicates as the current load (power) and estimated runtime while running on battery only mode.