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Posted: β2024-05-23 08:51 AM . Last Modified: β2024-05-23 08:53 AM
I am in UK and have been trying to find the firmware upgrade tool but none of the links I have give me a tool I can use on the network. The firmware downloads do not include any tool and for the AP9630 I only have an RJ45 socket lan connection. There is no other connection available.
I can sse into the device so could scp but a wizard would be better. I saw the video but the app shown is nowhere to be found.
Please can you direct me to the tool I need. I do not mind if it only works on windows 10 as I have this available.
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Posted: β2024-05-24 04:28 AM
The following resource link provides the last firmware release (v7.1.2) for the AP9630 / 9631 NMC.
Scroll all the way down and choose the firmware for your specific hardware. Do not load Symmetra firmware on a Smart-UPS or vice versa! βοΈ
Let me know if you have more questions and if not please mark this as resolved. π
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Posted: β2024-05-25 12:46 PM
Many thanks for your reply. I have the download, for which thanks but I shall need help please. I am using a spare ancient but working SU1000I with the problem AP9630 card installed so I can work off line.
I no longer have any laptops with RS232 connections so have used an RS232 to USB dongle when making connections to embedded systems but I would prefer to use the RJ45 socket and a network connection. What do you advise and can you please help?
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Posted: β2024-05-28 01:27 AM
Hi Teken,
I see you are a long time Commander on these pages so I hope you will forgive me. It seems the moderator has posted my reply out of sequence but just to confirm, I have the download. The first thing I notice is that the download contains files such as sumx_712_frFrdeDeitItesEsptBr.lpk. This is interesting but all the documentation I have from the website refers to .bin files and I have never come across an .lpk file, so the download without your help is not much use.
My second problem is that all our APC machines are quite old now and none of my searches have any references to archived data for old machines. They are all SU or SUA models and I would at least like to get the UPS firmware as up to date as possible if you can please help.
Finally I have network connections to all the machines and can log into them all but I am still making heavy weather of some of the configuration choices. For example the NMC2 cards (AP9630) all default to https which is fine but my browser will not recognise the security handshake, For network access I have to enable http even though I had told my browser to allow exceptions.
I hope you have time to help and am most grateful for your earlier reply.
Best wishes,
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Posted: β2024-05-28 08:05 AM . Last Modified: β2024-05-28 08:06 AM
The file you downloaded was for the extra language packs and not the NMC v7.1.2 firmware. You'll want to select the file named (Firmware for Smart-UPS with AP9630/31 7.1.2) Once the NMC have been updated to v7.1.2 firmware it will have the latest TLS 1.1 / 1.2 encryption.
You'll want to go into the web tab and remove the existing SSL certificate. Reboot the NMC as instructed by the system and log back in using HTTPS. The system will than generate a new self signed SSL certificate with a ten year expiration date.
As it relates to updating the UPS firmware I would strongly advise against doing so. If the hardware was under APC Warranty than you would do so with live support guiding you in this process. Should anything happen they could offer a break fix or initiate a RMA on the unit.
Given the UPS is (NOT) in warranty you have a more than 50% chance of bricking the hardware while attempting to update the firmware. Should that happen you now have a very expensive paper weight that used to work and now doesn't.
If you really want to update the firmware on this hardware you can reach out to APC Techincal Support for the required UPS Firmware. They may or may not have it or provide you the same but asking is free. Regardless, if they happen to provide you with the correct firmware.
You need to have the APC Serial cable or one you have made that is validated to work correctly. Once you have the serial cable to connect directly to the UPS. You will need to ensure the laptop is setup and defined correctly for baud rate, power managment, and the firmware wizard.
DO NOT attempt to update the UPS firmware using the NMC . . . Even though this is an option in the NMC going this route has a more than 75% failure rate! If you insist upon doing it this way via the NMC do so with a cross over cable connected directly to the NMC and a laptop.
You will want to disable all power save / energy management settings in the laptop. That means do not let the laptop go to sleep, hibernate, screen saver etc. Turn off all power save that relates to the CPU, USB, RJ45, HDD / SSD, Screen, etc.
In the NMC set the logout session to the maximum duration of whatever if its 60 minutes do so. Don't leave it set to the default of 3 minutes! This will literally kick you out and and if you're using the NMC to update the UPS firmware it will brick the UPS.
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Posted: β2024-05-29 01:24 AM
Hi Teken,
Very many thanks for the excellent advice. This is just what I needed and thanks for pointing out my mistake with the download. Will sort that out now.
I note your advice on the UPS firmware and will not try and change that on the basis that "if it ain't broke..."
I do have the correct cable but not the laptop with serial port. I may have to use some muscle and get the subject UPS to be within the cable distance of a workstation or can I move the NMC temporarily to the local UPS to update it and then put it back in the intended machine?
If OK with you I shall probably come back with more questions but thanks for the help meanwhile.
P.S. I had a real struggle with the moderation process and still cannot follow these pages as they are all out of order. Just glad I got through in the end.
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Posted: β2024-05-29 06:13 AM
Hi Teken,
I have found the titled files for download but when I open this and download I get the following files:-
I checked the checksum and using sha256sum I get:-
> sha256sum APC_SUMX_712_EN.zip
4c5a089465393fef6944e474fc1f9d45157dcf3cd49ee80d11bf8dd07d574c9e APC_SUMX_712_EN.zip
The checksum from the website is:-9A01E295874C2CE267E90CF9164264E518A4B43C81084FD19818464C07EB250E
Of course I do not know what checksum is being used on the website but the bottom line is that the link gives me the wrong file. Please can you help me sort this out?
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Posted: β2024-05-29 07:22 AM
You will select the (EXE) file and once installed will launch the firmware wizard for the NMC.
Ensure on the NMC (FTP) is enabled. It should be as this is the default option but check anyways.
In the firmware wizard simply enter the IP Address of the target NMC. Enter the use name / password for the NMC. Select backup of the logs if you wish than - Start.
The entire process takes about 3-5 minutes to complete. There will be a pop up window indicating the firmware upgrade has been completed.
Wait about ten seconds (before) you press on that pop up window. Log back into the NMC and make whatever changes you need along with reviewing the new features offered.
As a reminder go to the following: Configuration -> Network -> Web -> SSL Certificate -> Remove.
This will delete the existing SSL certificate. The system will tell you to reboot the NMC - Do so. Once the NMC reboots log back in using HTTPS.
This will create a new SSL certificate with a ten year expiration date. You should have no problems using any web browser via HTTPS. π
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Posted: β2024-05-29 07:33 AM
Sorry to be so dense but where do I get the wizard?
I assume I have to run it in Windows and connect using DB9 APC cable. What are the settings for baud rate etc? Sorry but I have forgotten all my previous work and everything has changed.
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Posted: β2024-05-29 09:48 AM
Hi Teken,
Thanks for the helpful and constructive replies but how can I get past the moderator please? I am finding working with this forum very difficult as it takes more than a day to see that my replies have been posted.
I appreciate that you may need time to respond but the way things are I cannot see what is going on and know that you will have been able to read my response in due course.
I read a post telling me about the new moderation system but couldn't understand a word of it. I have been using APC website occasionally for many years, and use many other forums but this one is a real problem. What happens in other fora is that the moderators can see my initial post, see that they are genuine and then communications proceed fluently. Any idea what I must do to be accepted in this community without a moderator checking every message?
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Posted: β2024-05-30 05:31 AM . Last Modified: β2024-05-30 05:35 AM
No worries my friend this file you unzipped called: apc_hw05_aos712_sumx712_bootmon109.exe
Just double tap on it and it will install the wizard. Once itβs installed tap on the wizard icon and it will open up a window that asks for the IP Address, Username / Password.
Select to back up the logs if needed then press start. π
NOTE: To be crystal clear the link provided was for the (NMC) firmware NOT for the UPS. You can update the NMC while connected via Ethernet. π
You can also update the NMC using the Serial cable that has a 2.5 mm barrel Jack / RS-232 Serial connector if itβs still available.
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Posted: β2024-05-30 10:23 AM
Hi Teken,
Many thanks. Now I understand. It was only the UPS firmware update that required the DB9 cable connection and you have warned me about upgrading the UPS itself. Since all the machines are working correctly I shall leave that for now.
Regarding upgrading the NMC you have now confirmed I can do this using the network connection. Great.
BTW I do have found both APC cables but hope I shall not need them.
Many thanks for your patience and detailed help. I shall report how I get on.
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Posted: β2024-05-30 11:05 AM . Last Modified: β2024-05-30 11:10 AM
For the benefit of others and you here are some of FAQ resource links as it relates to updating the firmware on the various models of APC UPS. These links are related to the Smart-UPS family of UPS from APC. Please use other APC resources that reflect your hardware such as Symmettra / Other.
The above link will reference you to this FAQ Smart-UPS resource link: https://www.apc.com/us/en/faqs/FA279197/
It calls out what the (FUW) Firmware Upgrade Wizard does NOT support in terms of specific UPS hardware. It provides a matrix that lets you compare the UPS ID and new firmware revision.
The most important part of this matrix is calling out (IF) the output on the UPS can remain on or must be turned off. βοΈ
Key things for a successful firmware upgrade on an APC UPS is the following:
- Laptop: All power save / energy management must be disabled so the laptop does not go to sleep, hibernate, or shut down anything on the laptop from screen, ports, HDD / SSD, CPU, etc. Do not have the laptop connected to your network whether it be ethernet / wireless. Disable any and all firewall / anti-virus while the update is in progress.
- Serial Cable: Use the supplied proprietary wired APC Serial cable that came with the hardware or one you have made / purchased that has been validated to work correctly on a APC UPS. Any other standard serial wired cable will shut down the UPS immediately.
- NMC: Remove the network management card from the UPS.
- USB: Remove the USB cable from the UPS.
UPS: The target system must have a healthy battery installed and operating. If you do not have a healthy battery stop - and purchase one. Disconnect any external battery packs from the SMX Series UPS.
SRT Series models the extended battery packs should be left connected. As they incorporate some kind of embedded EEPROM chip that also needs to be updated. If you disconnected the extended battery pack and later install it you will see the UPS will automatically detect the extended battery pack and update its internal EEPROM if required.
Power: As silly as this may sound if its possible to connect the target UPS to another UPS do so! βοΈ This will ensure if there is a power disturbance while the firmware upgrade is in progress. It will not impact the target UPS from updating and completing the process.
SMX: Updating the firmware on a SMX Series UPS takes less than five minutes. The LCD will alternate its LED's to show the update is in progress. The LCD will also display this action is under way. Once the firmware is completed the LCD will go dark and the UPS will be in a semi off state.
Press the power button and it will begin the self test. Once complete go to the About tab and confirm the firmware is updated to the latest version as seen in the current matrix chart.
SMT: The firmware update progress and behavior is the same as the SMX Series UPS.
SRT: The firmware update process is about twenty minutes from start to finish. The LCD will indicate a percentage of completion. The system will first load the firmware, than it will validate the same. Once validated it will load the firmware to the target machine. You will hear the fan speed up and than slow down when the update process is nearing completion. Once complete the LCD will go back to the normal state of displaying the normal states of input / output voltage etc.
Once the firmware has been updated on the UPS you may reinstall the NMC into the UPS. π
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Posted: β2024-05-30 11:08 AM
Just to confirm that the updating of the first 2 NMC2 devices went like a dream using Windows 10 so thanks for all the help.π
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Posted: β2024-05-30 11:12 AM
Great to hear and I have left you with more detailed information regarding updating the firmware on the UPS. If you decide to go this route and for the best outcome! π»
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Posted: β2024-06-03 08:05 AM
Hi Teken,
Very many thanks for the advice and links. Sorry to admit that all our devices are well out of date, being mainly SU and SUA models. I would like to check the firmware versions against the "final" revision. Would this be possible? Is there an archive from APC? The network cards I have for these machines are AP9619 and I would very much like to get the latest firmware for the network cards. Not so sure about the UPS but would appreciate your comments please.
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Posted: β2024-06-03 12:33 PM
I believe for that legacy AP9619 NMC the last firmware release is v3.9.3 Follow this link and type in AP9619 do NOT select what the auto complete offers you: https://www.apc.com/us/en/download/software-firmware/
Just hit search and you will see the only download available which is for the Smart-UPS as seen here.
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Posted: β2024-06-05 09:00 AM
I would send a direct message to the moderators for this APC forum. They have the ability to remove the (moderation review) prior to your post showing up. βοΈ
I also agree it makes asking / providing the client (customer) possible solutions harder. Regardless, if and when your replies show up I shall endeavour to answer those questions you may have! π
Cheers! πΊπΊπΊπ«¨
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Posted: β2024-06-06 11:13 AM
Hi Teken,Hi and many thanks for the help to date. I see this thread is quite long and you have given me a solution. I do have one more problem so will explain here and if you tell me I shall start a new thread.
Reminding you I am using Linux (openSUSE) and am working remotely over network.
I am using QNAP NAS devices and I am trying to understand the signalling and control requirements for working with an UPS.
The QNAP devices have a setting for setting the NAS to shut down correctly when there is a power failure. This means there needs to be a signal from UPS to NAS when mains power switches UPS to battery power.
What I do not know is what is the IP of the UPS which I set up in the NAS. I know the IP address of the NMC2 cards which I use for configuring the NMC but is this the same address that communicates to the NAS?
Hope this makes sense.
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Posted: β2024-06-06 12:15 PM
Not a problem asking more questions here for me but this specific question and answers may get lost (hard to find) if others are asking the same. π€£
Regardless, every NAS vendor have different requirements and support as it relates to connecting a UPS.
The vast majority of them are connected using a USB cable. I would first connect the two (NAS & UPS) this way and setup whatever on the NAS.
Doing so will prove the basics operate as expected and intended. Once you have validated that a direct USB connection to the NAS & UPS work during a grid down / lights out test.
You may build upon this using the network. Youβll want to see if QNAP has a network UPS application which based on your initial question it does?!?
If so you would enter the NMC IP Address in the QNAP UPS Application. If this works like the APC PCNS (Power Chute Network Shutdown) once a power outage is detected by the QNAP NAS it should continue to run until the scheduled time you have defined.
At that point the QNAP NAS should begin its graceful shutdown or sleep / hibernate / low power mode.
If the QNAP NAS is similar to other NAS devices it should restart or resume from sleep, hibernate, low power mode and operate as normal.
Let me know if that answers your question. If you would like to provide the exact model QNAP / User Manual, Screen shots of what is available in the NAS a better answer may be found. π
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Posted: β2024-06-09 05:35 AM
Hi Teken,
Sadly I couldn't get the download from the link you showed my. On my system here the AP9619 was not found. However you did give me the name of the file and by a miracle I found it on my own network and also find I had already updated the AP9619 to the last version so many thanks.
We never got round to updating any UPS firmware but will start a new thread for that later.
I have had success with configuring my NAS devices to work with the NMC2 card. The Qnap devices have a straight forward configuration to work with SNMP and this seems to be working fine so thanks for you help with this.
Finally I need to set up the linux servers which are powered by one of my APC UPS devices. I am not sure if there is a linux version of PowerChute. If not I can work with apcupsd but may need your help. Please advise when you get this.
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Posted: β2024-06-10 05:01 AM
APC offers PCNS (Power Chute Network Shutdown) for 64 bit Linux check it out to see if it meets your needs:
There is also PCBE (Power Chute Business Edition) for Linux:
Lastly, you may also consider NUT to see if it also meets your needs! π
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