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Posted: 2024-05-0207:15 AM
Unable to get to SRT 5000 connection refused
Im trying to get to my UPSs and both throught the Struxware Datacenter Expert and Just a web browser using port 80 It refuses my connection. Ive tried resetting the NMC both through the interaface on the UPS itself and with the button on the back, do i need to get into the CLI and mess with something, kinda banging my head up against the wall with this one. Network is good i can get a clean ping all the way from my local PC. After doing a pcap and looking it just resets the connection multiple times with the not [TCP Port numbers reused]
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Posted: 2024-05-0306:13 AM
What is the IP Address of the NMC indicated on the UPS LCD? Are all of the network attributes correct for your LAN? If not you’ll need to resolve that first for proper connectivity.
Regardless, I would use a laptop and connect directly to the NMC via cross over cable.
This will remove any network related issues for now. If you can access the NMC with a laptop on this isolated network you know the NMC is fine. If however you still cannot access the NMC via (Ethernet) than you have a configuration problem.
Assuming HTTP / HTTPS web access is enabled and ports haven’t been changed. What do you see when accessing the IP address of the NMC?
If you have the APC Serial cable you can SSH into the CLI and make whatever changes you need to make if you can’t access the web interface.
Let me know what you observe using a laptop, NMC Network Attributes, etc.
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Posted: 2024-05-0806:34 AM
The Ending Fix to this was SSHing into the UPS to view the configuration where then I found out HTTP had been disabled on the UPS which was the reason I could not connect to it at all.