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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
We are trying to automate the upgrade to version 2.2.3 of Powerchute Network Shutdown. What I am hoping is that there is a way to do an install via a script that simply upgrades the current install (normally 2.2.1) keeping the settings. I know this works on the GUI, but cannot find how to do it from the command line without interaction.
I have played with the -s switch, and various iterations of the silentinstall.ini file (including commenting everything out), but have had no luch.
Is this possible? If so, how is it done?
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
yeah unfortunately not. i dont know of a way to do an upgrade via silent install method ๐
i only have this, which is probably what you have already that you were looking at:
You can perform a silent PowerChute Network Shutdown (PCNS) installation on systems with a single UPS only and with a single instance only. You must perform a normal installation on multiple Smart-UPS devices, multiple Symmetra devices or Parallel Silcon UPS systems (see Multiple-UPS configuration). In addition, each of your servers must have the same operating system.
Windows Server 2008 Server Core
There are two ways you might want to use silent installations and configurations. See A. and B. below.
A. If you have several servers and you want to have the same PCNS setup for each server:
Perform a normal installation and configuration on one server.
Copy the installation files and m11.cfg to a temporary directory on your other server.
Manually install the appropriate JRE version, or any supported Java version as listed in the Compatibility Chart for PCNS on the APC Web site.
Type cscript install.vbs /f silentInstall.sample at the command prompt.
The installation starts and completes without user inputs.
Next, you configure PCNS. Go to the group1 directory, for example, C:\Program Files\APC\PowerChute\group1.
Type cscript PCNSConfig.vbs /f silentConfig.sample at the command prompt.
The configuration starts and completes without user inputs.
B. If you want to install PCNS on only one server, or if you want to install different configurations of PCNS on several servers:
Manually install the appropriate JRE version, or any supported Java version as listed in the Compatibility Chart for PCNS on the APC Web site.
Locate the installation file or files on the CD and copy them to a temporary directory on your server. If necessary, unzip the installation file.
Go to the temporary directory, and edit silentInstall.sample to specify the number of PCNS instances, the PCNS install directory and the Java directory. For example,
CFG_JAVA_DIR=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_14
Type cscript install.vbs /f silentInstall.sample at the command prompt.
The installation starts and completes without user inputs.
Next, you configure PCNS. Go to the group1 directory, for example, C:\Program Files\APC\PowerChute\group1.
Edit silentConfig.sample to specify the Network Management Card IP address, the administrator user name and password, and the authentication phrase. For example,
AuthenticationPhrase=admin user phrase
If your server has two or more IP addresses, you need to specify which of the IP addresses to use for PCNS through LocalHostIPAddress and which of the IP addresses to use for its subnet mask through LocalHostSubnetMask. For example,
If the NMC port number is different from its default value of 80, specify the number to adapterPort. For example,
If you do not want to register the host IP address to NMC, specify no to RegisterWithAdapter.
Type cscript PCNSConfig.vbs /f silentConfig.sample at the command prompt.
The configuration starts and completes without user inputs.
Windows and Mac OS X
You can install PowerChute Network Shutdown (PCNS) from a command line. To install PCNS silently, perform the following steps:
Complete a normal installation on one server.
Configure PowerChute Network Shutdown to your requirements.
Edit the silentInstall.ini file to set new parameters, if required. Precede each path separator ('\' for Windows and '/' for the Mac) with an escape character ('\').
Specify the PCNS installation directory at applicationDirectory.
Type the relevant values in the following fields: AdministratorUserName=, AuthenticationPassword=, AuthenticationPhrase=.
The user name and authentication phrase must match the Network Management Card or the silent installation will not work.
In the NMC, the default administrator user name and password are both apc, while the default setting for the authentication phrase is admin user phrase.
If you are installing PowerChute Network Shutdown for a UPS with a different IP address, uncomment the adapterIPAddress parameter and type the IP address of the Network Management Card that is in the UPS.
If you are installing PowerChute Network Shutdown on more than 50 computers for one Network Management Card, set the RegisterWithAdapter parameter to "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the installation should register this host's IP address with the Network Management Card.
Note: See the document "PowerChute Network Shutdown with more than 50 computers on One UPS," available from the download page for PowerChute Network Shutdown for your operating system on the APC Web site.
Copy the m11.cfg file, and the silentInstall.ini file from the PowerChute installation directory, along with the PowerChute Network Shutdown installation files, to a temporary directory on the new server. (Log in as root to do this for the Mac OS X).
Use the commands specified below on the relevant system (where tempdir signifies your temporary directory).
For all systems, if there are spaces in the path to the temporary directory, enclose the path in quotation marks. As examples, the first path below needs quotes (because of Program Files), the second does not:
"C:\Program Files\InstallDir\silentInstall.ini"
For an installation on an Itanium edition of Windows:
JavaHomeDir\java -cp .;install.jar;util.jar load -s C:\tempdir\pcns223\silentInstall.ini
For an installation on Windows, navigate to the temporary directory on the new server, and type the following command on one line:
C:\tempdir\setup.exe -s C:\tempdir\silentInstall.ini
where tempdir is the location of the installation program and of the valid m11.cfg and silentInstall.ini files.
For an installation on Mac OS X, navigate to the temporary folder on the new server, and type the following command on one line:
sudo java -cp .:install.jar:util.jar load -s /tempfolder/silentInstall.ini
where tempfolder is the location of the installation program and of the valid m11.cfg and silentInstall.ini files.
After you complete the installation, check the pcnsinst.log and errors.log files for error conditions (the latter will only exist when the installation has not been successful). On Windows, in a standard setup, pcnsinst.log can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\ and error.log in a tmpjex0n directory under the Temp directory (n can be 1, 2, 3, etc.).
Linux, VMware, and UNIX
For an installation on Linux, VMware, or UNIX, edit silentInstall.sample and type the install destination directory and the Java directory. If the install destination directory is not entered, it will be installed to /opt/APC. If a Java directory is not entered, the Java bundled with the installer will be used when appropriate (see JRE version).
Type the following command to start the installation:
./install.sh -f silentInstall.sample
To complete the configuration silently:
Change your working directory to the PowerChute/group1 directory.
Edit silentConfig.sample and enter appropriate values such as the IP address of the NMC, the User ID and the password.
Type: ./PCNSConfig.sh -f silentConfig.sample
The steps above create the m11.cfg file. To replicate this configuration to other servers:
Change your working directory to the PowerChute/group1 directory.
Re-edit silentConfig.sample (to enter the different details related to the new server and UPS's) and copy m11.cfg file to the working directory.
Type: ./PCNSConfig.sh -f silentConfig.sample
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
[is this what you've already read?|http://nam-en.apc.com/cgi-bin/nam_en.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=3075]
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
This is not the exact page I was looking at, but very similar and I have gone through all of these steps. As you can see on this page, there is no where to say that this is a simple upgrade and to use existing settings.
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Posted: โ2021-06-28 09:54 PM . Last Modified: โ2024-03-14 11:30 PM
yeah unfortunately not. i dont know of a way to do an upgrade via silent install method ๐
i only have this, which is probably what you have already that you were looking at:
You can perform a silent PowerChute Network Shutdown (PCNS) installation on systems with a single UPS only and with a single instance only. You must perform a normal installation on multiple Smart-UPS devices, multiple Symmetra devices or Parallel Silcon UPS systems (see Multiple-UPS configuration). In addition, each of your servers must have the same operating system.
Windows Server 2008 Server Core
There are two ways you might want to use silent installations and configurations. See A. and B. below.
A. If you have several servers and you want to have the same PCNS setup for each server:
Perform a normal installation and configuration on one server.
Copy the installation files and m11.cfg to a temporary directory on your other server.
Manually install the appropriate JRE version, or any supported Java version as listed in the Compatibility Chart for PCNS on the APC Web site.
Type cscript install.vbs /f silentInstall.sample at the command prompt.
The installation starts and completes without user inputs.
Next, you configure PCNS. Go to the group1 directory, for example, C:\Program Files\APC\PowerChute\group1.
Type cscript PCNSConfig.vbs /f silentConfig.sample at the command prompt.
The configuration starts and completes without user inputs.
B. If you want to install PCNS on only one server, or if you want to install different configurations of PCNS on several servers:
Manually install the appropriate JRE version, or any supported Java version as listed in the Compatibility Chart for PCNS on the APC Web site.
Locate the installation file or files on the CD and copy them to a temporary directory on your server. If necessary, unzip the installation file.
Go to the temporary directory, and edit silentInstall.sample to specify the number of PCNS instances, the PCNS install directory and the Java directory. For example,
CFG_JAVA_DIR=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_14
Type cscript install.vbs /f silentInstall.sample at the command prompt.
The installation starts and completes without user inputs.
Next, you configure PCNS. Go to the group1 directory, for example, C:\Program Files\APC\PowerChute\group1.
Edit silentConfig.sample to specify the Network Management Card IP address, the administrator user name and password, and the authentication phrase. For example,
AuthenticationPhrase=admin user phrase
If your server has two or more IP addresses, you need to specify which of the IP addresses to use for PCNS through LocalHostIPAddress and which of the IP addresses to use for its subnet mask through LocalHostSubnetMask. For example,
If the NMC port number is different from its default value of 80, specify the number to adapterPort. For example,
If you do not want to register the host IP address to NMC, specify no to RegisterWithAdapter.
Type cscript PCNSConfig.vbs /f silentConfig.sample at the command prompt.
The configuration starts and completes without user inputs.
Windows and Mac OS X
You can install PowerChute Network Shutdown (PCNS) from a command line. To install PCNS silently, perform the following steps:
Complete a normal installation on one server.
Configure PowerChute Network Shutdown to your requirements.
Edit the silentInstall.ini file to set new parameters, if required. Precede each path separator ('\' for Windows and '/' for the Mac) with an escape character ('\').
Specify the PCNS installation directory at applicationDirectory.
Type the relevant values in the following fields: AdministratorUserName=, AuthenticationPassword=, AuthenticationPhrase=.
The user name and authentication phrase must match the Network Management Card or the silent installation will not work.
In the NMC, the default administrator user name and password are both apc, while the default setting for the authentication phrase is admin user phrase.
If you are installing PowerChute Network Shutdown for a UPS with a different IP address, uncomment the adapterIPAddress parameter and type the IP address of the Network Management Card that is in the UPS.
If you are installing PowerChute Network Shutdown on more than 50 computers for one Network Management Card, set the RegisterWithAdapter parameter to "yes" or "no" to indicate whether the installation should register this host's IP address with the Network Management Card.
Note: See the document "PowerChute Network Shutdown with more than 50 computers on One UPS," available from the download page for PowerChute Network Shutdown for your operating system on the APC Web site.
Copy the m11.cfg file, and the silentInstall.ini file from the PowerChute installation directory, along with the PowerChute Network Shutdown installation files, to a temporary directory on the new server. (Log in as root to do this for the Mac OS X).
Use the commands specified below on the relevant system (where tempdir signifies your temporary directory).
For all systems, if there are spaces in the path to the temporary directory, enclose the path in quotation marks. As examples, the first path below needs quotes (because of Program Files), the second does not:
"C:\Program Files\InstallDir\silentInstall.ini"
For an installation on an Itanium edition of Windows:
JavaHomeDir\java -cp .;install.jar;util.jar load -s C:\tempdir\pcns223\silentInstall.ini
For an installation on Windows, navigate to the temporary directory on the new server, and type the following command on one line:
C:\tempdir\setup.exe -s C:\tempdir\silentInstall.ini
where tempdir is the location of the installation program and of the valid m11.cfg and silentInstall.ini files.
For an installation on Mac OS X, navigate to the temporary folder on the new server, and type the following command on one line:
sudo java -cp .:install.jar:util.jar load -s /tempfolder/silentInstall.ini
where tempfolder is the location of the installation program and of the valid m11.cfg and silentInstall.ini files.
After you complete the installation, check the pcnsinst.log and errors.log files for error conditions (the latter will only exist when the installation has not been successful). On Windows, in a standard setup, pcnsinst.log can be found in C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\ and error.log in a tmpjex0n directory under the Temp directory (n can be 1, 2, 3, etc.).
Linux, VMware, and UNIX
For an installation on Linux, VMware, or UNIX, edit silentInstall.sample and type the install destination directory and the Java directory. If the install destination directory is not entered, it will be installed to /opt/APC. If a Java directory is not entered, the Java bundled with the installer will be used when appropriate (see JRE version).
Type the following command to start the installation:
./install.sh -f silentInstall.sample
To complete the configuration silently:
Change your working directory to the PowerChute/group1 directory.
Edit silentConfig.sample and enter appropriate values such as the IP address of the NMC, the User ID and the password.
Type: ./PCNSConfig.sh -f silentConfig.sample
The steps above create the m11.cfg file. To replicate this configuration to other servers:
Change your working directory to the PowerChute/group1 directory.
Re-edit silentConfig.sample (to enter the different details related to the new server and UPS's) and copy m11.cfg file to the working directory.
Type: ./PCNSConfig.sh -f silentConfig.sample
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