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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:13 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:13 AM
Hi all,
we got some trouble with the PCNS Appliance on CentOS, it doesn't matter, if we open the interface or don't open the interface, the java task is doing about 38x / 39x % CPU load all the time. and the web interface is taking about many minutes. I restarted it already and checked the network, the struggle ist all about the cpu.
vcenter is vCSA with linux and the PCNS is Linux too.
Anybody here got an idea or similar problems with the PCNS Appliance?
I wanted to try the PCNS Windows version, is it compatible with a vcenter vcsa?
Thanks in advance
best regards
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
Ah ok I understand,
but I have another dumb question,
I found the config, proxy_method=none ... do you know how to configure a 8080 proxy? i tried http://proxyname.com:8080
before 5480 menu was existing there was an option to set it.
EDIT: in the pcnsconfig.ini under /opt/apc/powerchute/group1/ I saw an entry with: update Proxy, but it is still connecting directly via https... without using proxy.
thanks in advance
best regards
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
1 - What build of PowerChute appliance are you running?
2 - May I have a screenshot of the performance summary set to realtime? After changing to realtime let the summary record for a few minutes to capture detail.
3 - May I have a copy of log4j2.xml, java.cfg, pcnsconfig.ini, error.log, and EventLog.txt that will be found in /opt/APC/PowerChute/group1?
On 3/8/2018 11:24 AM, Danny said:I wanted to try the PCNS Windows version, is it compatible with a vcenter vcsa?
Yes. We offer a Windows version that is compatible with vCenter Server however the Windows system must be a physical server. We do not support installing PowerChute on a Windows virtual system and configuring for VMware.
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
Hi Bill,
thanks for your fast answer,
version is 4.2
screenshot in the attachment
is here any option to send you our logs in a private way? i cant access your profile to write you a private message...
I tried a windows VM with PCN and configured everything, it seemed to be functionally but I got connection problem by step "Host Protection" it said "cannot locate vcenter Server".
thanks in advance
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
I understand the version is 4.2. I would like to know what the build number is. It will be found in the web interface under about. We have a few builds so knowing the build you are/were running will help investigate the issue.
On 3/9/2018 8:08 AM, Danny said:I tried a windows VM with PCN and configured everything, it seemed to be functionally but I got connection problem by step "Host Protection" it said "cannot locate vcenter Server".
As I wrote earlier installing PCNS on Windows VM is not supported. The reasoning is, the VM PowerChute is running on will be powered down with the other VMs and will not be available to complete the shutdown process properly. You do have the option of installing VMware VMA and then installing PowerChute in it.
As for the logs and such, if you are not comfortable posting to the forum please feel free to work with local support. Local support contact information is available at this link. http://www.apc.com/us/en/support/contact-us/index.jsp You will need to select your region / country.
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
Hi Bill,
sorry for the late answer,
Its Build: 6729
On 3/9/2018 9:47 PM, Bill said:As I wrote earlier installing PCNS on Windows VM is not supported. The reasoning is, the VM PowerChute is running on will be powered down with the other VMs and will not be available to complete the shutdown process properly. You do have the option of installing VMware VMA and then installing PowerChute in it.
yea I understand this is correct, but in my scenario the PCN is installed on a VM in another Cluster and another vcenter, we got 2 vcenter in another locations.
Thanks in advance
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:15 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
We have an updated build 6755 that is available at http://www.apc.com/us/en/tools/download/software_comp.cfm?sw_sku=SFPCNS42-V
This version is CentOS 7. The build you are running is CentOS 5. I suggest after installing the new build you run yum upgrade to update all of the Linux packages.
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
Hi Bill,
ty with this build we got a normal CPU load. but im very confused, the config with port 6547 is working well, but the other interface with port 5480, where I can change proxy and other settings isn't reachable.
I tried a new browser, http/https, restart the virtual machine... but only 6547 is reachable. its the same adress and port is open, no packets are dropped. And at the end I reinstalled the vAPP.
thanks in advance!
best regards
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
In the latest release of the PowerChute Appliance access through port 5480 no longer exists. The utility used to access the VM through port 5480 was provided by VMware and they no longer support the tool.
You can edit the network setting /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens32 See post http://forums.apc.com/spaces/7/ups-management-devices-powerchute-software/forums/general/82534/power...
Another option is to run the utility nmtui See Schneider Electric FAQ FA332022
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
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Posted: 2021-06-30 12:16 AM . Last Modified: 2024-03-11 04:12 AM
Ah ok I understand,
but I have another dumb question,
I found the config, proxy_method=none ... do you know how to configure a 8080 proxy? i tried http://proxyname.com:8080
before 5480 menu was existing there was an option to set it.
EDIT: in the pcnsconfig.ini under /opt/apc/powerchute/group1/ I saw an entry with: update Proxy, but it is still connecting directly via https... without using proxy.
thanks in advance
best regards
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