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Posted: 2021-06-2903:22 AM. Last Modified: 2024-03-1302:54 AM
APC Matrix 3000 - Power Efficiency
In another thread, I asked about how I could end up with a Super-Sized Smart Battery, buy connecting the UPS to a bank of batteries, and hopefully with a smart-battery interface.. to provide limited battery charging, and to cause the UPS to shut down, when Low-Battery Voltage might be reached.
My application has nothing to do with computing and basically I am attempting to use the Matrix-3000 as a standby power source for refrigerators.
My concept is to let the UPS operate fairly normally, but also, have SOLAR PANELS charge the batteries, and a separate 48V charger, as I assume that a Smart-Battery interface, could not provide the charge current for a 24KwH battery..
I am hoping that there are external signals (DC High/Low) to the Matrix-3000 that can be used to instruct the UPS to "Stop UPS'ing" ie put it to sleep.
I preface all, by commenting that I am not that familiar with these "Larger" UPS devices, or your terminology.
I have not been able to find any general data on the overall efficiency of the device.
Does anyone know what the general efficiency is , of a Matrix-3000, when just chuffing along with fully charged batteries.
Is there such a thing as an efficiency curve of Watts Vs Efficiency..
ie. how much juice does the machine use , just to provide stabilised power. 80%,, 70% efficient????