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Posted: 2024-10-2108:29 AM. Last Modified: 2024-10-2108:36 AM
A single UPS with two VMware stand-alone Hosts
we are trying to get a customers UPS running, the situation is as follows. We've got 2 stand-alone VMware Hosts without vCenter and we have got a single UPS (APC Smart-UPS 2200IC) with NMC.
After I have configured NMC and installed PowerChute as VM on the first VMware Host, ran the PowerChute Setup Wizard and so on, PowerChute identifies and uses all the VMs running on VMware Host Nr.1 correctly BUT a soon as i install PowerChute as VM on the second VMware Host, i end up with the PowerChute Agent entries on PowerChute VM 1 and with just a single entry on PowerChute VM 2 and on NMC, all the correct entries from PowerChute VM 1 on the NMC get erased. So i manually re-added all agents from VM1 plus the entries i need on VM2 and I end up with the result:
PowerChute VM1: all machines automatically recognized during installation still correct
NMC: all machines re-added from VM1 + the machines added for VM2
PowerChute VM2: all agents from VM1 + VM2 + even the PowerChute VM1 itself
with no possibility to assign the correct agents to the right PowerChuteVM.
Our idea now was to attach the VMware Host 1 with the PowerChute VM 1 to UPS Outlet group and the VMware Host 2 with PowerChute VM 2 to Outlet group 1, so both VMs should be able to identify its own outlet group and the VMs running on the corresponding VMware hosts.
I hope this was clear enough for you to understand the current conditions, so now the questions are:
1.Is this going to work at all?
2.Should the PowerChute VMs be able to correctly recognize the running VMs on the VMware Hosts automatically?
3.If not, is there a possible solution you can think of and which one would that be?