Feedback & Enhancement Requests for MTN6215-0410 - Spacelogic 4"
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2025-02-2804:11 PM
Feedback & Enhancement Requests for MTN6215-0410 - Spacelogic 4"
Dear SE Product Managers,
I am in the process of replacing my 12 x MEG6215-5910 (Multi Touch) KNX Displays with MEG6194-6010 (Spacelogic 4").
I really like the upgrades in terms of overall design / style, the larger display, the upgraded hardware, the responsiveness and the added flexibility when it comes to the function pages. Overall I think it is a big step forward and puts SE a lot closer to many of their competitors!
Unfortunately I feel that the Software is really limiting the product more than it should, even to an extend that the old MEG6215-5910 was able to cover use cases the MTN6215-0410 can't (e.g. 7) and 9) below).
Hence I would like to put the following enhancement requests forward:
1) Sync Icons with MEG6194-6010 - Nice to have
Besides MTN6215-0410 I am also using several MEG6194-6010 (Touch Flex Universal). Both products are largely using the same icon theme. However, both sharing some common icons but also distinct ones not available on both of them. In scenarios where a room shares multiple displays, it is not possible to utilize the same icons for the same functions (e.g. MTN6215-0410 has an icon for Showering / Bathing but MEG6194-6010 does not / MEG6194-6010 does have an icon for Laundring, but MTN6215-0410 does not, ...).
Request: Make all Icons of MEG6194-6010 available to MTN6215-0410 and vice versa so that both have the full set of icons.
2) Add Icons - Nice to have
Disregarding request (1) the following icons I feel are missing to cover all scenarios in my home, so it would be great if some icons could be added (some of them are part of the MEG6194-6010 icon set though)
- Laundry
- Charging BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle)
- Charging Battery
- Plus / Minus
- Down / Up Arrows
- Left / Right Arrows
- Awning
- Roof Window
- Open / Closed Garage Door
- Open / Closed Door
3) Allow Color Selection for Enabled & Disabled State (other than Green / White) - Nice to have
Again, the cheaper MEG6194-6010 is able to do more than the Spacelogic. With the MEG6194-6010 it is possible to define Icon Colors for Enabled / Disabled State. This would be great for MTN6215-0410 so that a color concept can be implemented consistently (e.g. Green/White for Lights, Blue/White for Windows, Yellow/White for Sockets etc.)
4) Allow Different Icons for Enabled / Disabled state - Must have
Similar to 3) and also something MEG6194-6010 has implemented: Allow selection of different icons for enabled / disabled state. By this, the icon can represent the state of an object better than only indicating it through color (e.g. closed / opened Garage Door visible as an icon)
5) Add freely definable status or info function - Must have
Besides having predefined functions such as Toggle, Switch, Wheather Info or Air Quality Info, there should be the possibility to have freely definable info functions for 1 Bit, 2 Byte, 4 Byte and 14 Byte Text values along with configurable unit suffixes and icons (ideally also implementing state-aware icons and color as described in request 3 & 4 above). Currently it is not possible to even display simple status information which is a major drawback of the product...
6) Add support of 2 Byte data types for Energy Monitor - Must have
Currently, the Energy Monitor can only consume 4 Byte data type DPT 13.013 to reflect total consumption (in kWh). However I would like to display the current power input/output in kW (e.g. of my house, of my wallbox or the power output of my solar) so it needs to support 2 Byte data type DPT 9.024 as well.
7) Add "Messages" function like MEG6215-5910 - Nice to have
The old Multi Touch Pro MEG6215-5910 allowed to define 5 Text Messages and assign an individual group address to call them. Once called, the message would appear on the Display as a notification. Unfortunately the MEG6194-6010 does not allow this any longer taking a very usefull feature away (e.g. notifying litter service, visibly notifying the door bell, ...) - or implement request #8
8 ) Add Notification - Must have
Alternatively to 7, allow a 14 byte Text to be passed to the Display and a 1 Bit Communication Object to Trigger (Enable / Disable) the notification. This would allow even more flexible notifications compared to #7 so it would be more favorable.
9) Enhance Proximity Sensing - Nice to have
MEG6215-5910 allowed for proximity sensing of up to 70 cm. This was great to trigger e.g. staircase lighting just when passing the display without any interaction required. With the limited sensing ability of 20 cm, the MTN6215-0410 can now barely be used to trigger this kind of action without a distinct hand gesture which is cumbersome. I guess this might be a hardware limitation though...
Thank you for your consideration and for making the Spacelogic an even better product! I am happy to elaborate or provide mockups if required in a later phase of your requirement process.