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Posted: 2021-06-17 07:29 AM
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I am using SmartConnector 2.4.40 to configure REST endpoints via SBO REST Provider.
With Swagger interface, I tried Get /Values and the responses with code 500. Here is the response body.
{ "Message": "Code=InvalidData, DisplayInfo='', TechnicalInfo='', Module=SearchManager, ModuleCode=0" }
And the SmartConnector log indicates it's an error from Mongoose.Csp.CspClient. Here is the error from log.
2021-06-16 14:40:36.1393,Error,CspClient,Buildcom,Code=InvalidData, DisplayInfo='', TechnicalInfo='', Module=SearchManager, ModuleCode=0
at Mongoose.Csp.CspClient.ExecuteAndLogCall[TRequest,TResponse,TRecordType](String methodName, TRequest request, Func`2 methodToLog)
at Mongoose.Csp.CspClient.<>c__DisplayClass49_0.<Retrieve>b__0(Object <p0>)
at Mongoose.Csp.CspClient.ExecuteAndLogCall[TRequest,TResponse](String methodName, TRequest request, Func`2 methodToLog)
I also tried to Get /Values/{id} and it works as expect.
Could you help me with what might be the reasons that caused the issue?
Thank you!
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Hi Na,
The SBO REST Provider is very picky, and there are a lot of problems with it, as the underlying data connection to EBO (internal protocol), constantly changes with different versions of EBO. (We are actually considering removing the SBO Provider due to all the issues).
In your case, can you check that the version of EBO used for the ES, is also the version on the AS? If the versions are different, it may just mean that the SBO Provider is not supported by the version of EBO the AS is using. The SboEwsRestProvider only supports EBO 2.x and below, so if the AS is on version 3.x, that might be your problem.
An alternative would be to use the SoapEwsRestProvider, however, as you likely know the /Values endpoint is not supported by that provider. You would need to user /Containers/{id}/Children to do a branch by branch discover, cache that, and do your own searches to find what you want within your application.
Best Regards,
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Hi Na,
The SBO REST Provider is very picky, and there are a lot of problems with it, as the underlying data connection to EBO (internal protocol), constantly changes with different versions of EBO. (We are actually considering removing the SBO Provider due to all the issues).
In your case, can you check that the version of EBO used for the ES, is also the version on the AS? If the versions are different, it may just mean that the SBO Provider is not supported by the version of EBO the AS is using. The SboEwsRestProvider only supports EBO 2.x and below, so if the AS is on version 3.x, that might be your problem.
An alternative would be to use the SoapEwsRestProvider, however, as you likely know the /Values endpoint is not supported by that provider. You would need to user /Containers/{id}/Children to do a branch by branch discover, cache that, and do your own searches to find what you want within your application.
Best Regards,
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