[Imported] Help interrogate the device to a standard Modbus RTU protocol with GSM-modem Clearscada
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Posted: 2019-11-0512:59 PM
[Imported] Help interrogate the device to a standard Modbus RTU protocol with GSM-modem Clearscada
>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:Communications Products << User: mchartrand, originally posted: 2018-10-25 15:04:34 Id:218 This is a re-posting from the obsoleted (October 2018) "Schneider Electric Telemetry & SCADA" forum.
**_Pasha: The problem is this: It is necessary to interrogate the device to a standard protocol Modbus RTU (a digital and analog signgaly, their order of 20pcs.) Need to constantly poll with an interval of about 1 per 1 hour (of course that the user can adjust this interval), and to organize an extraordinary manual poll Pressing the manual survey. Query to using the GSM-modem. Use the modem IRZ MC55iT and serial port (RS232). To do this, use SCADAPackModbus. The problem is that I can not configure the following: PSTN channel group of stations PSTN Station PSTN Generic Modbus and, accordingly, the analog (discrete) point is not displayed. I came to that leading modem (server) calls the slave (connected to the controller), (just call without having to send commands I do not know whether or not to write them, and where to write) is waiting for a response 12 seconds (do not know where does this interval) does not receive any response (Which is natural) and disconnects after 10 seconds again ringing. Problem: I can not configure this connection as cannot find an explanation of this issue in the technical documentation. What I want from you: tell me how to solve this problem, or give me the documentation where this question is clearly interpreted, any contacts to ask for help._**
Kirill: 1. First of all I would recommend to check all hardware (RTU, modems, connections between RTU and modem, connection between modem and ClearSCADA Server) and comms settings (baud rate, parity...)
2. If it is possible, make sure that you can connect RTU directly to ClearSCADA without any modems using Direct Channel, Direct Outstation Set and Generic Modbus Direct Outstation
3. The next step is to analyze log files. I suggest to enable Comms and IO Logging. And you can look what is transferred in the channel using Terminal. To do that you need to call context menu on the channel object and select Enable Telnet... Just click OK on the appeared window. Then, again right click on the channel object and select View Status. Find the line with Attribute Telnet and you should see port number for Telnet Session. After that in the Windows Command Line type telnet localhost (e.g. telnet localhost 57718)
**_Pasha: I checked everything. Joined with the modem using Hyperterminal got through to the next modem, then hung up. And Clearscada intercepted channel, and saw korektnye data. Sorry for my English, I use an automatic translator._**
**_Pasha: Kirill, ja vizhu vy s Rossii. Pomogite mne, pozhalujsta. Ja proveril svjaz'. Ja podkljuchilsja giperterminalom k odnomu iz modemov. S pomow'ju AT komandy pozvonil na drugoj GSM-modem. Svjaz' sostojalas'. Polozhil trubku. I v Clearscada vkljuchil v rabotu uzhe nastroennyj kanal. S pomow'ju Modbus kanal-skaner-analogovaja tochka, ja uvidel korrektnye dannye. Avtomaticheski ja jeto ne mogu sdelat'. Konsul'tirovalsja, mne otvetili, chto mozhno jeto sdelat' s pomow'ju SCADAPackModbus, no ja ne znaju, kak nastroit' jetu sistemu. Esli vy znaete, budu ochen' blagodaren za primer._**