Propose changes to the power-consuming rack-mountable equipment included in the racks for existing rooms and let the system record automatic work orders for these actions. The proposed changes to the system can subsequently be executed or rejected.
- In Planning > Data Center, open the Work Order Editor pane to plan changes to the rack-mountable equipment:
- Add or move equipment by dragging it from the Genomes pane or another location in the Layout or Navigation panes or by using the Installation Requirements pane.
Delete equipment by right-clicking it and selecting Delete.
You can move or delete multiple items at the same time by using Ctrl-click or Shift-click.
Symbols are added to the equipment to indicate the pending change: +, x and arrows (up for items to be moved from here, down for items to be moved to here). See an overview of equipment stages here.
- Save and close the Work Order Editor pane.
- Select Rack Layout and execute or cancel the planned changes by right-clicking the equipment Navigation or Layout pane and selecting Execute Planned Change or Cancel Planned Change.
When you execute a planned change, any associated work orders will be automatically updated, and when you set a work order to completed, the associated planned change is executed.
Properties can be changed for equipment at any time, even if it is in pending state. However, if you plan to move an item, and then subsequently change properties for the pending move (source), these changes will be lost when you execute the planned change.