Send a co-worker an invite to the portal.Just enter their email address and we'll connect them to register. After joining, they will belong to the same company.
You have entered an invalid email address. Please re-enter the email address.
This co-worker has already been invited to the Exchange portal. Please invite another co-worker.
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Invitation Sent
Your invitation was sent.Thanks for sharing Exchange with your co-worker.
Once you complete the EcoStruxure IT Expert booking for your customer, an email with a license key is sent to the address on the purchase order (PO).
You can redeem the license directly in your ITE for Partners web interface using the license key.
To redeem the license:
Log in as an existing partner:
Click Customers > Actions > Redeem licenses or Manage Subscriptions (depending whether this is a first activation or an additional license)
Enter the license key and select a start date.
You can select today or a later start date at your customer convenience. You can stack multiple licenses in the platform as your customer expands. For each license, you will have to enter a separate license key.
Click Redeem. Your customer is now subscribed to IT Expert!
Your Partner ID is used to associate customer accounts with your partner account.
When you create your EcoStruxure IT Expert for Partners account, you enter your contact information and create a Partner ID.
A Partner ID is automatically created from your organization name. For example, if your organization is Acme, Inc., your Partner ID will be ACME_INC.
You can change the automatically created Partner ID before you finish creating your account. The Partner ID can contain uppercase letters, numbers, and underscores only.
Once you set up your IT Expert for Partners account with your Partner ID, you can log in and send your customers invitations to associate their EcoStruxure IT accounts with your partner account.
You can see your partner ID in EcoStruxure IT for Partners on the Administration > General page.
You can submit a ticket to request a change to your Partner ID.
Your Partner ID can include upper case letters, numbers, and underscores only.
Go to
Select General support request.
Fill out the form and Submit.
When you add a partner to your EcoStruxure IT account, your partner has read only access to your device data on EcoStruxure IT by default.
You can grant your partner Administrator access to your organization and access to API device data on the Administration > Subscriptions tab in IT Expert.
You can revoke partner access to your organization at any time.
Partner Administrator access
You agree to allow your partner full Administrator permission for your organization.
Partner read-only access
You agree to share the following device data when you allow your partner read-only access to your EcoStruxure IT account:
Inventory: Device name, make, model, serial number, and firmware revision
Historical device sensor data (for analytics)
Device IP address (Only the last two segments are shared for device identification.)
Incidents: Device alarms and critical events (for analytics)
Assessments: Monthly analytics report (the EcoStruxure IT Report)
Partner API device data access
You agree to allow your partner to access device data via the EcoStruxure IT API.
Getting access to the EcoStruxure IT Expert API as a partner
Schneider Electric EcoStruxure IT APIs Terms of Use
EcoStruxure IT does NOT share:
Any information about applications or jobs running on your IT equipment
Any information about other equipment on your network. Only data from devices actively monitored by EcoStruxure IT is shared.
Only qualified Schneider Electric partners can be EcoStruxure IT partners. Partner access to customer information requires customer-specific approval using this form.
Partner access to shared data is protected. EcoStruxure IT enforces encryption and multifactor authentication.
You will receive an email invitation to join your EcoStruxure IT for Partners organization.
Click Accept invitation.
Click Sign up, or, if you have already registered an organization on EcoStruxure IT, click Login.
Log in to EcoStruxure IT.