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Original post I made in a normal forum post and was not here at the right place in "Ideas"
Can we please have a dark mode in EcoStruxure Control Expert? I know colors can be edited but there are so many things that you can't change so it is impossible to create a working dark theme. For example line color is always black so you can't set a dark background.
And even if line color was selectable, other parts of ESCE would still shine bright on the screen as project browser, cross references, output windows etc. is not customizable either so that too makes it hard to create a workable dark theme with a uniform experience.
I think dark mode for Control Expert, Control Expert Classic, Machine Expert, Machine Expert Basic, SoMove (or whatever it is called, for Altivar Drives), and Ecostructure Automation Device Managmanet would be awesome.
Machine expert got dark mode in 2.2 through a codesys version upgrade. But I don't use that version as it contains many code presentation changes that also came with the new codesys version. For example AND, OR and other simple boxes changed size, one "row" was sliced off from the top but instead of using the pins as the fixed position it has the box top as it's fixed position so pins moved up one row creating a complete chaos in CFC 😞 Also the namespace from variable boxes is hidden, creating even more chaos in my opinion since if you aligned them left or right in a straight line it will suddenly be a bit so straight line anymore because of the much shorter text 😞 You can show namespaces again but not with a simple global setting.