Public values, inputs and outputs of a Menta object defined in a Xenta 700 XBuilder project are displaying their values in Workstation as [Invalid Address]. When the value is double- clicked, the following error appears:
Error in property Value.
Read operation failed.
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Vista Workstation
- Xenta Servers
- Xenta 701, 711, 721, 731
- XBuilder
- Menta
The Menta object is not connected to a task. Therefore the Menta application is not being executed.
- In XBuilder, generate the project.
- Check the output window Generate tab for a warning that states "This Menta Object is not connected to a task"
- Double click the warning. The offending Menta object is highlighted.
- Drag and drop the Menta object into a Control Task folder in the Network Pane > TAC_Xenta_7xx > Control Tasks
- Regenerate and send the project to target. Menta object values should now report valid values.