If you are integrating LON to I/NET with a Xenta 527 or Xenta 913, you may run into a unit conversion problem in the integration process.
Product Line
I2V I/NET LON Integration
Xenta 527, Xenta 913 System Program Version 5.0.0 or higher
XBuilder 5.0.0 or higher
When integrating LON to I/NET, all data will make its way to I/NET in SI units.
- View the units of the points on the LON side of the connection object in XBuilder.
- On temperature, for example, XBuilder uses the unit "F" to show Fahrenheit on a temperature signal. However this temperature value will show up in I/NET in Centigrade.
- Engineering units on the AO point in the I/NET controller will have to be "F" to mirror the unit on the LON signal in XBuilder. These two units have to match exactly, and they are case sensitive.
- When the engineering units match on both points, I/NET will convert to the correct value. If the value on the I/NET side is left blank, it will just pass on the Celsius value.
- There are limitations to this conversion since I/NET has a four-character limit and some units in XBuilder will exceed this. Pressure, for example, will have to be sent in Pascals or PSI.