No door transactions coming into AMT
Transactions are not been sent by only one door.
RX and TX lights on DPU / SCU are not flashing as per other DPU's
Product Line
If you have the AMT masking set correctly and the Door Editor has transaction defined for the reader entry or exit and there are no transaction messages showing up in AMT. Then one of the issues might be the Quick Poll (QP) is turned off for that DPU.
- Go to Edit > Controller > MCU Configuration
- Select the Station in question
- Is QP checked for all DPUs? Here is an example where this is not properly configured:
QP needs to be checked, however, it is not possible to check or uncheck this column if the controller site is already set as DPU. - Change the controller type from DPU to MR, then select OK.
- Go back to the Communication Statistics editor and put a checkmark in the QP box for this controller, then select OK.
- Go back to MCU Configuration and change the controller type back to DPU, then select OK.
If the site is ever edited by any earlier version of I/NET, check Quick Poll.