What BACnet services and BACnet object types are supported in the AS and ES?
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- StruxureWare Building Operation Automation Server
- StruxureWare Building Operation Enterprise Server
- BACnet IP
PIC statement for supported services and object types in StruxureWare Building Operation.
Page 5 of the AS BACnet PIC shows the columns of the different types of BACnet devices. Whether it is a B-OWS or a B-BC etc… the x's in the columns show the required services for each particular device according to the BACnet Standard. The last green column in the PIC, show the Product Conformance (AS) and what services the AS supports.
For instance COV is not a required service, but a optional one and is selected in the last column.
Below are links to the AS and ES BACnet PIC.