Anyone here using AI for closed-loop control? How’s it going?
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Posted: 2025-02-1401:16 PM
Anyone here using AI for closed-loop control? How’s it going?
I'm curious if anyone here has actually implemented successful AI-based closed-loop automation in their process control systems.
What I've seen is that companies do implement AI for setpoint recommendations, but actually implementing AI to autonomously adjust parameters in real time seems quite uncommon. If you have, I'd love to know:
What process are you automating?
What type of control systems are you using (PLCs, SCADA, DCS, others)?
What has been the hardest aspect; data reliability, getting operators to believe in it, or just integrating with existing systems?
How do you handle fail-safes if the AI makes a poor decision?
If you've tried and given up on it, what made it not worth it? Curious to hear real-world experiences, good or bad.