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Colocation features are now included in the base version of the IT Advisor desktop client.
Tenant Billing
The open system integrates tenant billing information into the application for mapping tenant assets, providing detailed power draw, total energy footprint and access to an instant impact analysis at the tenant level.
Assigning rooms, cages, or racks to customers
Prerequisite: Before you can assign a part of the infrastructure to customers, these customers must already exist in the system through integration with a CRM application.
Right-click any room, floor equipment (including racks), or rack-mountable equipment in a Navigation pane, or Layout pane and select Properties to access and edit the Customer properties.
Search or choose a customer from the drop-down menu. You cannot add new customers in the Properties dialog box as customer data is obtained through integration with a CRM application.
In Contracted power specify the amount of power sold to the customer, or choose Reserved for a potential customer to reserve equipment or space for a customer (you can add contracted power for potential customers as well).
When a customer has been assigned to equipment, the equipment will change color in the floor layout Colo overlay to indicate if it is reserved or closed. More...
Reporting Capabilities
Space report
Instant overview of current space capacities, identifying the sellable, occupied and reserved space, as well as space identified as used internally.
Power report
Outlines the total capacity vs. the sold capacity and measured load per site for a complete overview of current power capacities.
Power receptacle report
Highlights the current status of plugs and sockets for one or more PDUs or tenants, including an indication of oversubscription.
Tenant inventory report
Shows all equipment associated with one tenant, for an instant tenant inventory.
More information on working with reports.
The selected overlay defines what information is shown on top of the layout. You can switch to see the room layout in another overlay by selecting another overlay tab at the bottom of the room layout pane. In Window > Show Overlays, you can define which overlay tabs to enable.
The Colo overlay of the data center shows you information on space and rack count. The color highlights will give you insight as to whether a rack or a floor space is open, reserved, closed, internal, or a customer state you define. See Configuring colo states
Rack default states
102237291_16x25_360036863854.png Open: The rack is empty
102237317_16x25_360036863854.png Reserved: The rack is reserved for a customer, but the customer is not using it yet. To reserve a rack go to the Planning tab, right-click the rack, select Customer and Reserved for potential customer
102237319_16x25_360036863854.png Closed: A customer is using the rack
102237289_16x25_360036863854.png Internal: The rack is booked for internal use. In the Planning tab, right-click the rack and select Properties > Customer. The customer is an internal user.
Floor Space
102237291_16x25_360036863854.png Open: The available amount of your sellable space
102237317_16x25_360036863854.png Reserved: The reserved amount of your sellable space
102237319_16x25_360036863854.png Closed: The used amount of your sellable space
102237289_16x25_360036863854.png Internal: The amount of your sellable space that is for internal use
Room Area: The area of the room
Sellable Space: The sum of your all states beside internal one. Your internal space is not sellable and therefore not a part of the calculation.
Space Efficiency: The ratio between your room area and your sellable space.
Configuring colo states
Go to Tools > Configure Customer States. Set the name and color for each state.
Four default states (Open, Closed, Internal, Reserved) can't be renamed or deleted.
When a new state is defined, it can be assigned to equipment in Customer properties.
See IT Advisor for Colo desktop client
Starting in ITA 9.3.4, you can create a group of racks to get a visual representation and better overview of how they are used. You can specify the group name, tags, and custom properties. You can create groups and subgroups.
To create a group;
Draw a rectangle on the floor, the same way as you draw a cage.
Right click on it and select Create group.
Groups don't have physical walls like cages; they only logically group equipment.
When a group is created, it has the default name Generic group. You can edit the name in general preferences, same as tags and custom properties.
Groups are displayed in the navigation tree, but they are not part of the location string for the equipment inside a group. The group lists only racks; any other type of equipment is ignored.
In general preferences, you can set a custom group color. In the desktop client, the color is used for the frame:
In the web client, you can see groups in the Groups overlay:
Select the Rack group filter in the web equipment browser to see all the racks inside a group.
Group information is available in Rest API endpoints.
With cage space management, the data center operator can import CAD drawings, apply grid-based naming for floor-mount equipment and utilize cage drawing tools and cage power modeling.
Converting a closed shape into a cage
Any closed polyline shape in the CAD drawing can be converted into a cage. In the co-lo overlay, use the Detect walls tool to select the shape and then double-click it to turn it into a cage. The cage is assigned a named based on its floor coordinates and the area of the cage is automatically calculated.
Drawing, splitting and deleting a cage
With the draw wall tool you can create walls and split cages. Press and hold Shift to draw consecutive wall segments.
Splitting cages with the Draw wall tool
Split a cage into two parts without deleting existing cage settings. The power connections are preserved when splitting a cage, and you can move the receptacles between the cages in the split cage dialog box.
Draw the walls in the existing cage using the Draw wall tool.
In the Split cage dialog box choose which cage will inherit all settings and history of the original cage. The history will appear in the audit trail for that cage.
Configure the properties and power connections of the cages.
Merging cages
If you have used the Draw Wall Tool to split a cage, you can delete the wall and merge the cages.
Delete the wall by right-clicking the wall and selecting Delete. In the Merge Cages dialog box you can merge cages or delete cages. If you select Delete cages, all the settings and history of the cages will be deleted. If you choose to merge the cages, you must choose which of the cages that should preserve the history and settings, and which of the cages will be deleted. Power connections for both cages will be preserved.