Add the possibility to open a mimic in a modal pop-up window

In addition to the existing "Open As Inset" opening mode for a Mimic, it would be great if in Geo SCADA Expert, at least in ViewX, we could have a new opening mode "Open As A Modal Window", as it is implemented in many other SCADA softwares since a long time.
By "modal window" I mean the following basic behavior : as long as the Mimic is opened, the user can not interact with the backward mimic (clicking on buttons, hyperlinks, context menus...) , he must first close the Mimic to get the focus back to the parent mimic from which it had been opened.
For example, same behaviour as when you display the ViewX "About Box" from the ViewX menu "File -> Help -> About"
I've been waiting for this feature to be added to the ClearSCADA roadmap since several years and in some projects I've been forced to use workarounds based on layers and "PickDisabled" animations to reproduce a pseudo-modal behaviour, but not possible to move the pseudo-modal window as it was a fixed layer displyed on top of the background layer of the same mimic 😉
I hope you will retain this feature for future release of Geo SCADA Expert !
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