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Archive files are stored in the following formats, which are specially created for use in ClearSCADA.
Event Journal archive data is stored in the .MWJ format.
Raw historic data is stored in the .HRD format.
Event Journal
On an archive disk, the Event Journal archive files are stored in the EventJournal directory, with each file containing one hour of events. The Event Journal archive files are named:
where is a 7 digit number that represents the time for the file. The number is based on the number of hours between 00:00 on January 1st 1601 and the start of the time period that is covered by the file.
Historic Data
The historic data archive files are stored in Historic directories, with a separate historic directory for each point. The historic directories are named:
Where is the object Id of the point.
Within each Historic directory, there are .HRD files for each week's worth of data. The historic data archive files are named:
Where is a 6 digit number that represents the time for the file. The number is based on the number of weeks between January 1st 1601 and the start of the time period that is covered by the file.
Extracting Archive Data
You can use the ClearSCADA command line tool (scxcmd) to convert an Event Journal file or a raw historic data file into the .csv format (comma separated value). The .csv format is recognized by programs such as Microsoft Excel, which means you can view raw archive data in a spreadsheet application.
At the Windows command prompt, enter:
is the directory in which you installed ClearSCADA.
is the name of the archive file you want to convert into the .csv format.
The can contain wildcards, so you can convert multiple files at the same time, for example, SCXCMD HISDUMP "D:\EventJournal*.MWJ" will convert all files in the Event Journal folder on D:\ into the .csv format.
ClearSCADA creates a new version of the file in the same directory as the original file. The new file is a .csv file and can be opened in various packages, including Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Notepad.
If the file is on a read-only archive volume, you will need to copy the file onto your hard disk before you can convert the archive data.