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Values for Quality parameter (ClearSCADA uses standard OPC HDA quality definitions), e.g.:
0 = Bad
64 = Uncertain
192 = Good
Values for Reason parameter (Reason For Logging field available in the historic database):
0 = Current Data
1 = Value Change
2 = State Change
3 = Timed Report
4 = End of Period
5 = End of Period Reset
6 = Override
7 = Release Override
8 = Modified/Inserted
LoadDataValues( Value{Array of Variant}, Timestamp{Array of Time}, Quality{Array of Long}, Reason{Array of Byte} )
Same as LoadDataValue except the parameters passed in are arrays instead of single values. A maximum of 5,165 elements are allowed in the arrays otherwise an error will be raised. The Reason argument is optional - when omitted defaults to 0 (Current Data).
LoadDataValuesEx( Value{Array of Variant}, Timestamp{Array of Time}, Quality{Array of Long}, Status{Array of Long}, State{Array of Byte}, Reason{Array of Byte}, MSState{Array of Byte} )
Extended version of LoadDataValues that allows all of the properties of the historic data record to be specified. The Status, State, Reason and MSState paramaters are all optional. The Status parameter is a bit mask of flags that varies between drivers. To calculate the State from the Value specify the state as 255 (or omit the parameter). If there is no master-station state (or feature is disabled) then specifiy the MSState as 255 (or omit the parameter).
LoadSuppressionValues( Type{Array of Short}, Timestamp{Array of Time} )
Values for Type parameter (consequential alarm type):
0 = None
1 = Consequential
2 = Maintenance
LoadDataFile( FileName{String} )
The LoadDataFile method takes a filename as its single parameter. This is the name of a local CSV on the main server. Some points to note about the files to be imported:
Each line of the CSV file specifies a single record and has the format: YYYY,MM,DD,HH,MM,SS,Value
The file must be in ANSI format.
To insert comments into the file start the line with a semi-colon.
Reason is set to 0 (Current Data) on import.
LoadDataFile is much faster at importing records than LoadDataValues.