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Originally published on Geo SCADA Knowledge Base by Anonymous user | June 10, 2021 03:05 AM
[Table("MyScanner", "MyScanner")]public class MyScanner : Scanner{ [Label("Meter Number", 1, 1)] [ConfigField("Meter Number", "The meter number on the device", 1, 2, OPC_METER_NUMBER)] public Byte MeterNumber; [DataField("Last Daily Record", "The index of the last daily record that was retrieved from the meter", PemexModule.OPC_METER_DATA_LAST_DAILY_RECORD)] public UInt16 LastDailyRecord = 0;}
UInt16 Val1 = DBScanner.LastDailyRecord;Byte Val2 = DBScanner.MeterNumber;
Object reply = null;App.SendReceiveObject(DBScanner.Id, ACTION_GET_HISTORIC_RECORDS, null, ref reply);UInt16 Val1 = (UInt16) reply;
public override void OnReceive(uint Type, object Data, ref object Reply){ switch (Type) { case ACTION_GET_HISTORIC_RECORDS: Reply = LastHourlyRecord; break; default: base.OnReceive(Type, Data, Reply); break; }}
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