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What I have discovered about the Com X 510
1. Works Great with canned device
2. Custom Devices not so much
a. You can make custom stuff
b. The data display for these is ugly.
c. Cannot use canned template & just change the registers
3. Not all Currently sold Schneider Meters are supported
4. User need to purchase a security certificate
a. This has scared several customers away
b. Other similar devices do not need this
c. Just so odd that it is built this way (Please Fix)
5. Nice Try - Needs work
Just did not want anyone to get burned without knowing some of
the Good Bad & Ugly of the device.
1. Make sure you know if your device is supported
2. Understand the security issues with Certificates
3. Be careful with any custom devices
Michael Franz
Posted: 2016-07-07 10:53 AM
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We are experimenting with the Com X510. We are setting up the installations to allow Enercepts to be added as the system expands (beyond the main service meters). I noticed they currently are not supported. So we are aware of this. We are hoping for drivers to be added in the future as we are a construction oriented company and the Enercepts are the most economical way for us to monitor feeders along with the ease of installation of Enercepts.
Security Certificates? for the Com X510? Enlighten me please.
Thanks in advance.
Paul C.
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When you into the device browsers warn you about the certificate like it is a bad web site
Posted: 2016-07-07 11:06 AM
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Got it, I have seen that myself. I was worried that there was a hardware license that I was unaware of.
Thanks for the information. I am going to copy you on some communications to James Jeanette, who heads up the Gateway development. We are thrilled with the launch of the Com X510, But as you have experienced the drivers don't exist for the Enercept family and for simple connections for 100-1200-amp feeders the Enercept is our vehicle for providing quick, affordable metering for power, voltage and current.
I'm hoping James can add the drivers for the Enercept line.
Paul C.
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Hi guys...thanks for the feedback.
@Paul Cruz
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I could use the Enercept since we have 20 of them in our building now. We had to "back-slide" to an EGX 300 to get the job done in our building.
Would like to see all Schneider devices supported starting with those found in the EGX 300 since it looks like the Com X will be its replacement.
Otherwise field sales and technical people will be slapped hard while applying the device.
Still REALY concerned by the "GET ME OUT OF HERE" message we and customers get while logging into the COM X 510 with a Brower. None
of the earlier EGX products cause this and neither does the SBO Automation Server.
To me this is a BIG deal. It has scared off EVERY customer who has witnessed it. Cannot say I can promote the device until this is addressed.
The security certificate warning thing is a TRUE issue that threatens sales of the device in our market. Please address and fix. If other devices
don't have this issue, why does the Com X?
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Thanks Michael.
Understood. The majority of the EGX300 devices are in the Com'X 510, but you are correct...there are a few older devices not yet brought in. I'll note your need for Enercept.
I will also share your feedback on the Web Security Certificate....and the "Get me out of here feeling" shared by customers.
Thank you,
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Caps of three main browser warnings. Must be fixed soon.
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Thanks Michael - I have shared with our team to get some feedback.
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You are welcome. Would rather have these warts show in the family rather than
have customers see them....
Posted: 2016-07-11 04:31 AM
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Thanks for the information. As we are setting up multiple customer's to use the Comx510 with provisions for the Enercept's in the future, it is a great help knowing what issues we will run into soon.
James the security issue is one I had asked you about when we were demo-ing your ComX510 on line. You can see the previous query (on my information) about viewing your demo (I also did not continue to your site as it warned me about the security issue). It was not until you responded to my e-mail query (directly to you) about the safety of connecting to your site, that I actually connected to your Square D demo link.
That being said, Michael is correct, you guys do need to solve that problem. It prevented me from continuing to your site to view your ComX demo. We are constantly being asked to avoid sites as we have had issues with virus's in the past.
Unfortunately our Enercept applications will be a mixture of both new (90%) and older units (10%) so we'll need all of the drivers for the Enercept line. We have not installed any old Veris units but that is not to say that someone will not be asking you for same in the future.
Thanks for information Michael.
Paul C.
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Thanks for the support. The more they hear this the more likely they are to make the changes. We have 21 original Enercept meters in our building and had to go with the EGX 300 rather than the Com X 510. Even the EGX 300 has a bug in the way it graphs kW. We are getting -kW from our Roof Top Units since the EGX program subtracts the previous value from the present. This may fly with kWh since it typically goes positive. Not so much for kW.
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Just from my experience form PME, the "new" Enercept meter still maintain a compatable modbus register map the same to the "old" Enercept meters (yes, it also have a new different modbus map...). If you have a device driver works for old ones, it will work fine with new ones providing the same readings.
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Are the NEW Enercept meters in the Com X? If yes, under what name? Still does not fix the EGX 300 graph issues.
The security issue must be addressed as not to scare of customers.
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I don't know... As EGX is mainly used as a gateway device in PME system. I tired to point out that, in most cases, there is no need to create two seperated Enercept drivers
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EGX 300 can display and graph data as well as act like a gateway. Has been a pretty good device overall.
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First, I am not a developer of the ComX, and I didn't get a chance to talk with anyone from the development team, I just want to provide some of my own observations after a recent ComX training.
1. Why ComX is the first device having this kind of warining, not the older EGX300/EGX100...?
I believe the design intention is to make the ComX platform more security than EGX platform by using "https" instead of "http". For ComX, after force the browser to open ComX website, you will notice that the URL has changed from "http" to "https". All EGX platform is just use plain "http" through the whole website.
2. How to get rid of the warining (at least per ComX manual)?
ComX contains a default certification (maybe called "self-issued" certification) for "https", and the browser cannot verfiy if it is authentic or not, and that is why the warining page comes up. ComX does provide an opinion to upload a new certification as shown below. My understanding is, we will want the customer to upload a new certification from their own orgnization to get ride of the warining. How to get the new certification, if you ask? I don't exactly know, and I will use my favorite phase "ask the support from your IT" (or google...), but the option is there.
3. On the same page, there is a opinion called "Enable HTTPS redirection". I don't quite get what it does through the manual, but if there is a spare ComX you can safely experiment with, I would like to see what would happen if turning it off. I am hoping it will disable "https" and fall back to "http" like EGX. Again, I don't have a ComX on hands now, so it is just my gut feeling.
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Yu Diao
I have one in my collection. Will need to play with some of these. As field people we need to dip into so many disciplines. It is good to have others on the Exchange who have other experiences.
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Yes..the new Enercept is called: EM4200 in the Com'X 510.
Also...a custom device was added to the [CCMR] today for the older Enercept to be used on the Com'X 510.
A Custom Model for Enercept was added today here:
You can find it here:
Shared ComX Custom Model Repository [CCMR] - Box
Customs Models --> Schneider Electric --> Enercept Meter -->....
Thanks Randi Dolan !!!
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Looks like this is a custom model only just like the ones I can make myself so the devices will not have standard dials and tables like the built in canned devices. Is this correct?
If so what we really need is a way to make custom device that show the same way as the canned units.
Ideally we would have a tool like PME Vista so we can make custom pages.
Would like to see ON / OFF binary values for things like breaker and ATS status as well.
Posted: 2016-10-20 01:19 PM
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Okay we are finally doing an install with the ComX510 a PM5000 which we intend to serial connected to (3) new EM4200's and still have a couple of old 3020E043S enhanced Enercept meters.
I have gone into the Shared ComX Custom Model Repository like we were directed. I'm in agreement with Michael on this. For uniformity, we should migrate to all EM4200's in the future. Just like Schneider has led us to use the newer ION based meters, and phase out the Square D, PM800 series meters? If so should you not be obsoleting the older Enercepts so we don't by them anymore? Because I just had our pricing updated and guess what we have pricing for older enercepts but no pricing on the 4200's with 1/3volt and 0-5 amp ct's.
I'll work with our rep to handle which way you are going to get our pricing right in the future. Seems that with the development direction you have chosen, "Schneider would make a successful, economically sensible device like the older enercept line" a supported device for the ComX data servers.
Just one mans opinion.
Paul Cruz
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Hi Paul, I hope that you are doing well.
My responsibilities have changed and I'm not as close to the Com'X roadmap as before, but I can ensure the team gets the feedback.
Hi is some feedback from the field. You might also wish to share with Kevin Pack (Enercept Offer Management)
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Why is it so hard for Schneider to add devices or allow us to add field devices so they look like the stock devices?
Posted: 2016-10-24 07:20 AM
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Well lets hope Dennis Arnaud will weigh in on this as we have been asking for a while. James Jeanette has moved over to the PM5000 or 8000 development team. I do not know that these drivers are forthcoming.
I do know that I have gotten responses back from Juan Camillo, Dennis Arnaud, and Rahm about development for drivers for our Nulec/Recloser driver in PME. That this is not on their list of future priorities, so I'm moving forward on our own. We will be probably be using Trent W to work with Nulec and offer this development on the Exchange community for sale for other end users.
I'm hopeful that they release drivers for the older enercepts on the ComX line but I'm going to act like we need to retire the older meters, or live with the primitive dashboards on the ComX line. Live and learn.
Paul C.
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Add stuff like CM2000, PM600 as well. Do not get why this is so difficult.
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Schneider Electric aware of the need to add devices.
We have a very long list of devices to add.
We decide on priority for adding devices based on the need expressed to us and also our strategies. For example, we always try and release new devices near the time those become available. A side effect is that old devices (such as PM600, CM2000) may have to wait longer unless we are made aware.
Michael Franz raises a great question about custom device and our graphical element.
We have been studying the possibility to give partners and users, the means to ingrate our default graphical element an in custom pages
I hope we can do it next year but we still have not finalizd the details.
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Give us the code. Can't be that hard. I will build what we need.
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