DCE Mass Configuration “Incomplete Configuration” issues
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I know that this post was some time ago, but wanted to get a comment on it as others may find it in searches. Hopefully you were able to resolve your issue or reach out to support for assistance on why the mass configuration wasn't working.
When doing mass configurations via DCE, DCE will check the results of the config to determine if the changes that it made were able to be done. You can double click into the Incomplete Configuration results or select the Configuration item from the Device Configuration Status pane and click on the Configuration Results button. This will show you what DCE is expecting the value to be and what is currently set.
As you were already in the Configuration Results section, if the values were still the old values and did not update to the new expected ones, then it appears that the end-device did not process all of the configurations. I would ensure that the end-devices are at the most recent software version and if the issue is still present, reach out to technical support for assistance.