EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert Forum
Schneider Electric support forum about installation, configuration, integration and troubleshooting of EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert (ClearSCADA, ViewX, WebX).
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Posted: 2019-11-26 02:01 PM . Last Modified: 2023-05-03 12:21 AM
>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:Scripts and Tips<<
User: hemanth, originally posted: 2019-09-24 03:52:27 Id:525
Trend historic data value for a point can be deleted manually from delete dialog box which appears on right-clicking trend.
I am looking to automate this feature. Main purpose is to load historic values for a point from a file.[csv] [ there are examples how to do it in help] and delete historical data on demand and reload with another set of values when instrument is calibrated.
Is there a way to do it using ST or vbscript to delete HISTORICAL Data for a point on runtime. Point considered is an internal analog point.
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Posted: 2019-11-26 02:01 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: sbeadle, posted: 2019-09-24 09:05:02
Not yet. There will be a Method call in the next release!
Reply From User: JesseChamberlain, posted: 2019-09-25 03:24:38
You can use a 3rd party OPC HDA client.
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Link copied. Please paste this link to share this article on your social media post.
Posted: 2019-11-26 02:01 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: sbeadle, posted: 2019-09-24 09:05:02
Not yet. There will be a Method call in the next release!
Reply From User: JesseChamberlain, posted: 2019-09-25 03:24:38
You can use a 3rd party OPC HDA client.
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