EcoStruxure Geo SCADA Expert Forum
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Posted: 2019-11-06 02:59 PM . Last Modified: 2023-05-03 12:25 AM
>>Message imported from previous forum - Category:ClearSCADA Software<<
User: amanshow, originally posted: 2019-04-18 14:06:46 Id:411
Good day. It's me again. I've been running into issues frequently.
My partner and I use DNP3 protocol to communicate scadapack to Clear from a remote location. It all turned out well except that in our trend, future data showed up. Attached below is a screenshot of the said trend. The black one is the current data during the current time my partner and I were testing the scadapack. The orange one is the future data, which goes from the current time (in screenshot, 10pm) up to 5AM. We set the time zone to Local Time in the channel, seeing as it's the only time zone that fortunately worked well with our Target Scheduler.
![]((see attachments below) kb/l2p4owsg8bjl.png "")
What causes the future data? And is there anyway to "stop" it from showing up again?
P.S. We also tried to wait out until it finishes "correcting" the future data into the data retrieved from the scadapack, but then it drew another set of 8-hour future data.
Attached file: (editor/kb/l2p4owsg8bjl.png), asd.png File size: 24543
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Posted: 2019-11-06 03:00 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: geoffpatton, posted: 2019-04-19 14:10:45
Are both the Computer and SCADAPack in the same timezone? The DNP protocol actually communicates in UTC When you set ClearSCADA to Local Time it applies the time difference to incoming messages and removes the time difference before sending a message. The SCADAPack should do the same. Check the Controller settings under general and see if the Time offset from UTC is correct.
Reply From User: amanshow, posted: 2019-04-20 13:04:01
Is there anyway to use Local Time instead of UTC and not show future trend? My employer insists on using this Target Scheduler that requires Local Time instead of UTC, so we're left with no choice but to go with Local Time.
Reply From User: sbeadle, posted: 2019-04-20 16:25:34
What is a Target Scheduler? Surely whatever it is can do UTC. If not then you may have problems with DST too.
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Posted: 2019-11-06 03:00 PM
>>Responses imported from previous forum
Reply From User: geoffpatton, posted: 2019-04-19 14:10:45
Are both the Computer and SCADAPack in the same timezone? The DNP protocol actually communicates in UTC When you set ClearSCADA to Local Time it applies the time difference to incoming messages and removes the time difference before sending a message. The SCADAPack should do the same. Check the Controller settings under general and see if the Time offset from UTC is correct.
Reply From User: amanshow, posted: 2019-04-20 13:04:01
Is there anyway to use Local Time instead of UTC and not show future trend? My employer insists on using this Target Scheduler that requires Local Time instead of UTC, so we're left with no choice but to go with Local Time.
Reply From User: sbeadle, posted: 2019-04-20 16:25:34
What is a Target Scheduler? Surely whatever it is can do UTC. If not then you may have problems with DST too.
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