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Posted: 2023-07-05 05:24 AM
Hi everyone,
I made a mimic where there are two embedded mimics.
My need is to hide a layer of one of the two embedded mimics when clicking on the other embedded mimic via vb.
I don't think it can be done...
So I was thinking of an alternative way, using the "visible" animation of the embedded mimic with a parameter of the parent mimic by writing it from the other embedded mimic on click via vb but I can't write it, I can only read.
Some advice?
Thank you so much!
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Posted: 2023-07-11 03:57 AM
1) Create a sub or function in the parent mimic's script editor.
a) This might use the syntax to control the embedded object visibility properties like: Mimic.Layers("LayerName").M_1.Visible
or b) This might modify the parameters sent into the embedded mimic (You can add a parameter to the embedded mimic and use it to control it's internal layer visibility - you need to do this because the outer/parent mimic has to 'poke' the value into it, it cannot see item properties directly).
For example:
sub doit(s)
'The layer on this mimic
set MyLayer = Mimic.Layers("New Layer")
'The name of the embedded mimic as on this mimic
set MyItem = MyLayer.Item("M_1")
'The parameter of the embedded mimic you want to change
MyItem.param1 = s
end sub
You could add the item name as a parameter to the doit subroutine.
2) Edit an embedded mimic and choose an object to add a pick action. Choose script and then see the Mode drop-down.
Select 'Execute code fragment on top-level mimic' and type the name and parameters of the sub or function, e.g. MyFunction( "param1")
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Posted: 2023-07-06 08:17 AM
@Jfini Thanks for the reply
The idea you tell me is the one I was trying but I can't write the parameter from the VB script.
"Dim parentMimic As Mimic" I can't write it, "As Mimic" gives me an error...
"Set parentMimic = Parent" I can't write it, what is "Parent"?
I use this syntax to read the parameters:
dim param
set param = TopMimic.Parameters
I can't find the way without getting errors to write the parameter...
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Posted: 2023-07-07 06:53 AM
I just control the visibility of layers and objects like this.
Mimic.Layers("LayerName").Visible = 1 or 0
you can also control the visibility of objects on the screen embedded mimics name is listed when you view the properties they defailt to M_# and you can rename them if you want.
Mimic.Layers("LayerName").M_1.Visible =
You can also read the status of the visibility of an object.
Dim MyMimicStatus
MyMimicStatus = Mimic.Layers("LayerName").M_1.Visible
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Posted: 2023-07-10 12:20 AM
Hi Ivan
i can think of a couple of ways.
1) use the feature where an embedded mimic action can execute script on the parent mimic, and have the script refer to the other embedded
2) use a Registry function to control a registry variable name which all mimics can see
might these help?
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Posted: 2023-07-10 01:51 AM
Thanks Steve for reply.
How can I call a parent script from embedded mimic?
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Posted: 2023-07-11 03:57 AM
1) Create a sub or function in the parent mimic's script editor.
a) This might use the syntax to control the embedded object visibility properties like: Mimic.Layers("LayerName").M_1.Visible
or b) This might modify the parameters sent into the embedded mimic (You can add a parameter to the embedded mimic and use it to control it's internal layer visibility - you need to do this because the outer/parent mimic has to 'poke' the value into it, it cannot see item properties directly).
For example:
sub doit(s)
'The layer on this mimic
set MyLayer = Mimic.Layers("New Layer")
'The name of the embedded mimic as on this mimic
set MyItem = MyLayer.Item("M_1")
'The parameter of the embedded mimic you want to change
MyItem.param1 = s
end sub
You could add the item name as a parameter to the doit subroutine.
2) Edit an embedded mimic and choose an object to add a pick action. Choose script and then see the Mode drop-down.
Select 'Execute code fragment on top-level mimic' and type the name and parameters of the sub or function, e.g. MyFunction( "param1")
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