Creating alarm notifications
Use the Alarm Configuration perspective to define the alarm notifications you want available to the server for monitored SNMP and Modbus devices. You must do the following before the Data Center Expert server can generate alarm notifications:
Create at least one alarm action.
Add at least one alarm action to the Default notification policy.
You can do the following to specify how the Data Center Expert server generates additional alarm notifications:
Create thresholds for sensor types supported by each device.
Create new notification policies.
Add at least one alarm action to each notification policy you created.
Add thresholds, devices, and additional alarm actions, to the Default notification policy, or notification policies you created.
Add SNMP and Modbus devices to notification policies you created.
Modify thresholds or device alarm configurations, if necessary.
You can create and configure thresholds, alarm actions, and notification policies, or modify device alarm configurations, at any time, in any order. For example, you can create alarm actions first, create thresholds, then add selected actions, thresholds, and devices, as needed, to the Default notification policy. Alternatively, you can create new notification policies first, then create actions or thresholds, and add them to any notification policy.
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