Alarm Configuration Overview
The Alarm Configuration perspective provides options used to configure how the server reports alarms and threshold violations, and manages alarm actions, for monitored SNMP and Modbus devices.By default, four views appear in the Alarm Configuration perspective. These views, along with Manage Alarm Actions, an Alarm Configuration menu option, allow you to perform threshold and device alarm configuration and notification functions for monitored SNMP and Modbus devices.
- Navigation view: contains the navigation tree, listing device groups and the monitored devices associated with them. This view allows you to do the following:
- Select a device group or device in the navigation tree to view the list of thresholds or device alarms that can be configured or added to a notification policy.
- Select a device group or device in the navigation tree and create thresholds for that selection.
- Edit thresholds.
- View device sensors and current sensor data for the selected device.
- Enter and exit maintenance mode to prevent and re-enable alarm notifications for the device groups or devices selected.
- Add and remove thresholds from a notification policy.
- Select a device group or device in the navigation tree and edit the configuration for all the device alarms for the selection.
- Select a device group or device in the navigation tree and change the notification policy associated with that device group or device.
A device can be associated with only one notification policy at a time.
- Modify the default labels in the navigation tree.
Notification Policies view: displays the default notification policy, user-created notification policies, and the notification policy details. This view allows you to do the following:
- Create, modify, and delete notification policies.
- Double-click a notification policy to view the actions, thresholds, and devices associated with it.
The Default notification policy can be edited and renamed, but it cannot be deleted.
At device discovery, alarms for SNMP and Modbus devices monitored by the Data Center Expert server are added to the Default notification policy. You can change the notification policy associated with a device from Change Device Alarm Notification Policy, a right-click option in the Navigation view.
Threshold Alarm Configuration view: displays the list of thresholds that can be configured or added to a notification policy. By default, a communication link status threshold is displayed for every device monitored by the Data Center Expert server. This view allows you to do the following:
- Modify and delete thresholds.
You cannot delete communication link status thresholds.
- Add and remove thresholds from notification policies.
- Display the notification policies associated with the selected thresholds.
- Find the device associated with the selected threshold in the Navigation view.
- Modify and delete thresholds.
Device Alarm Configuration view: displays the list of device alarms that can be configured or added to a notification policy. This view allows you to do the following:
- Enable or disable an alarm, modify the severity and recommended action, and add a custom description.
- Find the device associated with the selected alarm in the Navigation view.
- Expand the list when there is more than one device alarm in the selection.