After a power cycle the Xenta Server need to be re commissioned to get it SNVTs functioning and the controller back online in NL220 or LonMaker
Lonmaker, NL220
Xbuilder 5.1.6.
As the Xenta Server is used in LonMaker and Vista the subnet is set in the Xenta project.
When you then commission in NL220 or LonMaker the address is then set to the LonMaker or NL220 database specification.
On a power failure the Xenta server reverts to its Xbuilders Subnet node address and goes offline in LonMaker or NL220
Save the X-Builder project out of the Vista database. this will allow the Subnet node to be set under the LON heading in the X-Builder project.
Match the subnet and node address to the LonMaker or NL220 database subnet and node address of the Xenta Server.
Save the X-Builder project back into Vista and then download to the Xenta Server.
Now on a power cycle the subnet and node will Match the LonMaker or NL220 database and remain online.