Xenta 555 –Configuration of the Ethernet Communications settings, using HyperTerminal.
Connection to the site Ethernet network
A requirement to change the Ethernet connection settings
This operation will allow the user to modify the settings, as detailed below.
- Connect the laptop to the Xenta RS-232 port B, using the RJ45-to-RJ10 Cable and DB9/Female-to-RJ45/Female Adaptor.
- Run HyperTerminal on the laptop and configure as follows;
Run Hyper Terminal and configure as: -
Baud 9600
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits 1
Flow Control None
Press ‘Enter’ to display activate the command prompt.
Xenta555 Website name… Session-id: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Enter the Username: root
Enter the Password: root
At the prompt - Dsh/> - Enter setip
DHCP Yes/No As appropriate (A fixed IP address is easier)
IP Address As appropriate
Subnet Mask As appropriate
Default Gateway As appropriate (This would be the address of the main network router, it will be the same as the PC uses)
Dns (Again, if it is used then it will be the same as the PC uses)
Website Name As required (This can be entered now, or downloaded via Xbuilder)
Domain Name (Used for information only)
Host Name (Used for information only)
Change Root password yes/no no
Do you want to restart the IP Interface. yes/no yes
After configuring the 555 controller details, Enter: Dsh/>restart
The above information is also available in the TAC Xenta 500/700/911/913 Product manual, section 2.2.2.