As a last resort when a Cyberstation is offline or there are difficulties connecting to a database, it is necessary to change the Workstation Initialization fields using the Windows registry.
- Continuum
- Windows XP
- Windows Vista
- Windows 7
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server 2008
Partial objects in a database and registry entries occasionally get out of sync.
Caution! Editing of the registry can be potentially dangerous, make sure someone who is familiar with using regedit completes this procedure. It is best to get a restore point of the Windows PC, if the version allows, prior to taking the following steps.
- Shutdown Cyberstation
- From Windows, Start> Run> Regedit Expand the hives(folders) to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Andover Controls
- Right Click on Andover Controls and select export, name the file and save. (This file can be used to restore the original settings of this branch) Expand the folder to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Andover Controls\Continuum\Settings
- Double click on Workstation Name (Change this to the name required Ex. WS1) Double click on Network Id and select decimal (Change value data to the number needed Ex. 192)
- Double click on Device Node Id and select decimal (Change value data to the number needed Ex. 192)
- Double click on Container Name (Change this to the name required Ex. WS1folder)
- Close Regedit
- Go into database initialization and select Workstation and you will now see those settings there. Go to the database tab and enter in the password for andover97 and click Ok. If the database initialization screen comes back(resolves to the database)with no errors, then this new instance of the Workstation was successfully created in the database.
- Launch Continuum
Note: On a 64- bit system the registry location is slightly different.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WoW6432Node\Andover Controls\Continuum\Settings
Continuum queries to get some of the Workstation Initialization parameters (Comments in parenthesis are not part of the query)
select * from device (Device is the table name, uiname is the column where the Workstation Name can be found)
select * from container (Container is the table name, uiname is the column where the Folder Name can be found)
select * from device (Device is the table name, networkid is the column where the Network ID can be found)
Device ID is not available, but is often the same as the Network ID