What type of objects can be viewed using "Edit in Spreadsheet" mode
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Edit in Spreadsheet mode
- Building Operation WorkStation
The objects that can be edited in Spreadsheet mode vary depending on the device or object you are viewing
- When you are viewing the AS IO Bus or an AS IO module, then clearly the only objects that cab be configured are Points. Below you can see the "IO" tab, but the "New" tab is greyed out.
- When viewing a "Folder" in an AS then possible tabs are "Alarm", "Value", "Folder" or "Trend". Below this can be seen (v1.3)
LON device, Modbus Devices etc. will allow different access via the spreadsheet mode. This will vary for different versions
If you need to find out what spreadsheet access is possible with your chosen device/folder, then it is best to navigate to the relevant Object, folder or device, enter Spreadsheet mode, then check what tabs are available when "New..." is select
- If there is only a single possible spreadsheet object type, then even if there are zero of these object types created, then a blank spreadsheet is shown.
- If there is more than a single possible spreadsheet object type, and none of these object types are created, then no blank spreadsheet is shown. "New..." needs to be selected.
- When a row is selected, then an entry modified, all the text data in that row that is visible will be modified.
- Most EBO objects can be edited using Spreadsheet View with the exception of BACnet Objects. It follows that all objects that exist within MP/RP series controllers cannot be edited in Spreadsheet View as these are all BACnet Objects (This would include Modbus objects within the RP controllers that are actually BACnet objects)
- For further information refer to the Spreadsheet Overview EBO Webhelp topic