These LED light sequences are not found in the documentation
- Solid White
- Flashing White
- Alternating Blue and Amber
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
Building Operation Room Controller (RPC) 24 V
Not yet added to current documentation
- Solid white forever is either no firmware in the controller or the controller is running UBoot and not launching the firmware.
- Solid white, transient, and followed by yellow/amber, is UBoot running.
- Perform a factory reset and attempt to upgrade the firmware to the latest revision allowed based on the version of EBO used on site
- Solid white, transient, and followed by yellow/amber, is UBoot running.
- Flashing white would indicate a defective board requiring RMA or a power supply problem (It was seen on one site the 24Vdc power supply had been damaged and was only supplying 12 to 14Vdc. Thus replacing the power supply solved the problem)
Alternating Red/Blue happens during an up rev of the firmware. It specifically happens when the EFR32 (the Bluetooth chip) is being upgraded.
Generally, power supply problems can cause various issues with RPx and MPx controllers, including partial corruption of the firmware/application. A recent case had transformer secondary circuits linked that cause Red/Blue flashing and 'untranslated BACnet errors’ following a site wide power cycle. Always ensure the RPx power supplies are within tolerance and fully compliant to Grounding and Power for Systems
WebHelp has been updated to include more information see RP Controller Status LED