Promoting a stand alone client from a host to an equalized client and it does not work. The snapshot is done on the Filemaster but the client would not connect.
When we attempt to connect we receive a message stating that "the Filemaster snapshot is not ready and to try again in a few minutes"
Equalization Promotion from Stand Alone Host to Equalized Client in 2.40.
- I/NET 2.40 has a problem promoting an equalize client. An indication of this problem is a perpetual “Pending” message seen at the Filemaster configuration editor.
- This state is caused when promoting an equalize client using the Filemaster’s IP address and not the host name.
- Once an attempt is made using the IP address and not the host name. The client’s snapshot is in some corrupt state and must be deleted.
To correct this problem perform the following on the client
- From the Filemaster make sure the 'Pending' client is dropped from the Equalization list
- Demote the client if not already demoted.
- Delete snapshot located on the Client’s “unc” folder.
- The "UNC" is located in C:\ INET Seven Data\ MSTR\unc
- Promote the client using the host name for the Filemaster and not the IP address.
This should correct the problem