Sigma - Delayed alarms.
Delayed alarms
When Sigma alarms are manually tested, they are displayed at the Sigma server normally. Sometimes, when an alarm occurs normally, this alarm is not displayed until other activities are carry out.
This issue is caused by the Windows firewall.
If the Sigma server is being used to communicate with the Sigma controllers, then the Firewall will be open, and any alarm messages from the Sigma controllers will pass through it and be displayed as normal. When the Sigma server is not being used, the Firewall will close, and no alarm messages will be allowed through.
There are two options available;
- If the Sigma server is not connected to the Internet, then disable the Windows Firewall. Depending on the computer operating system the ways to achieve this will vary, but the help option will assist you in this process. The screen shot below shows an example on Windows XP.
- The second option is to make an exception to the Firewall rules. This is achieved by opening the Windows Firewall, selecting "Exceptions", and choosing to "Add Port", the screen shot below demonstrates this.
Please note that Sigma port 49152 is a UDP port number. The screen shot below shows this exception having been added.