Setting up ID Works on a Remote Client PC
Product Line
- I/NET Seven
- ID Works
- Windows XP
- Windows 7 32-bit
- Windows 7 64-bit
Configuring the I/NET System to be a “Server/Remote Client” format and the ID Works software is going to be on a Remote Client PC.
The first procedure is to modify the ODBC Data Source. The steps for this are very dependent upon the PC's operating system. Reference page 2-14 through 2-23 of TCON 301, the chapter named Modifying TAC I/NET Seven's ODBC Data Source.
Once the ODBC Data Source is configured, proceed with the steps below:
- Go into the ID Works Administrator Editor and select the System tab.
- Scroll down to the Photo Path option.
- Direct the current path to the PC that is going to be the Server.
In this example, the PCs Name and Photo location is: \\TPServer\CDrive\I7photos
- Go into the ID Works Designer Editor open each of the site badge templates and modify them for the Server PC link.
- Open one of the templates.
- Highlight the Image path square and do a right mouse click.
- Go to the Field Properties option.
- Set the path to the Server PC location for the badge photos. See the example below for further information.
- In this example the server PC is named TPServer. Badge photos are in the C:\I7photos\Thumbnail directory. There are only eight pictures entered at the time these captures were made. The jpegs for those eight individuals were saved to the folder using the CardNumber as the name shown below: