With triac digital outputs, such as those in the i2866-V, what is the fastest they can switched for Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) applications?
Product Line
Andover Continuum
Continuum controllers with triac digital outputs.
Require information on using triac outputs for Pulse Width Modulation control. Concerns over minimum pulse times and frequent switching.
The triac outputs on some Continuum controllers (such as the i2866-V) will be able to perform pulse width modulation from a minimum of 0.1s pulses. As apposed to relays, outputs using triac's have negligible wear and tear during extended use. Switching the outputs frequently, such as once a second, should not cause any premature failure issues.
Further data on the triac outputs on the i2866-V:
- Specification sheet
- Installation Guide for wiring details.
- i2 Technical Reference Manual