After starting the Enterprise Server(ES), the memory usage increase constantly until it finally hangs, which happens in a couple of days.
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Building Operation Enterprise Server version 3.2.x
- Building Operation Automation Server 3.2.x
Running a Notification report including many trend logs can take a long time to finish; for example, a report including 91 trend logs can take up to 10 minutes.
If the Notification report is triggered more often than 10 minutes, reports will start to queue up, making the memory usage for the ES increase over time, and it will finally hang.
When having a Notification report which includes many trend logs, make sure that it is not running too often as it is a rather slow process to create a report including many logs.
A Notification report which includes 91 trend logs with 168 log records takes 10 minutes to finish.