I have a large site and need to add a new Xenta controller.
Can I add the group bindings manually as the option to create group bindings in the System Plug-in takes time and controllers are taken offline for the period of the process.
This is possible to do and works very well and effectively if you understand the process.
Follow these steps to add TAG 0 system binding and TAG 1 Xenta binding to your new Xenta controller.
In NL220 go to the project setting option.
Then check the "Message Tags Connections Tree" option under the Trees tab
This will cause a new option to be selected in the tree view labeled Message connections
In this tree there will be one TAG0 that covers the entire Xenta controllers.
Right click on this TAG 0 connection and select Edit.
With the connection window open then select the subsystem view and drag the TAG 0 from the new Xenta controller into the connections window. This will add your new Xenta controller into the TAG 0 existing binding. Use the update button to update the database.
The next step is similar to the TAG 0 but for the TAG 1. You will need to locate the TAG1 Xenta group that you are adding the new Xenta controller into. Look for the name of the Xenta controller in the Xenta group that you need to use.
Once you have located this TAG 1 connection right click on this connection and select Edit, with the connection window open then select the subsystem view and drag the TAG 1 from the new xenta controller into the connections window. This will add your new Xenta controller into the Xenta TAG 1 existing binding. Use the update button to update the database.