Integrated NPR Dial on a Xenta 527
I/NET site with Integrated NPR Dial
Explanation of Integrated NPR Dial on a Xenta 527
Are you having an issue where you are setting up NPR Dial on a Xenta 527? Only the US Robotics V92 56K Faxmodem is supported. Do realize that this device cannot perform Auto Dial Auto Answer (AD/AA) functionality. To configure NPR Dial you will need to get the Xenta Modem Kit, part # 0-073-0916. These steps should point you in the right direction: -
- Verify that you have the right strings for the modem.
- Create an I/NET Configuration profile for Integrated NPR Dial and make it active. Restart I/NET.
- Add site phone numbers (Edit > Host Computers > Phone Numbers.)
- Connect the necessary cables to the Xenta 527 unit and modem. You can get a full description from part number OFL-3972-001 with all the cables etc.
- Connect the adapter to the modem then the L1 cable from the modem to port A on the Xenta 527 unit.
- Query your modem, check the settings and baud rate then dial the site.