I/NET Message Masking
Product Line
I/NET site pre 2.13
Message Masking with Rev. 2.13 and prior
In Rev 2.13 a new configuration option was introduced, Server/Remote Client. The Server should be set to mask for all Links’ messages and AMT similarly set.
If this configuration is chosen, it will be necessary to use filters in AMT if it is desired to display only selected link messages on a host.
In Rev 2.12 and earlier versions, the message masking for the links could be set so a host would receive messages from only selected links. AMT on those hosts with masking similarly set would therefore display messages from only those links.
An example of using masks to route messages for File master//Equalized Clients is shown on link below.
There are three links and three hosts. It is desired that Host 1 see messages and interact with controllers only on Link 1. Host 2 will handle Link 2 and Host 3 will handle Link 3. Link 1 controllers can use Group 1 bits 1 and 8, Link 2 controllers use Group 2 bits 1 and 8, and Link controllers use Group 3 bits 1 and 8.
Host 1 will then set Group 1 bits 1 and 8 for link 1. Host 2 will set Group 2 bits 1 and 8. Host 3 will set Group 3 bits 1 and 8 (these masks are arbitrary and were chosen for illustration only).
AMT masking is set the same for these hosts.
File master/Equalized Client
Server/Remote Client
In the Server/Remote Client configuration all messages are routed to the Server (Host 1). AMT can then be configured on a host to show messages from only selected links using the filter option in AMT. To display messages from only Link 1 on the Server (Host 1) set up a filter to select messages from just Link 1 as shown in the linked document below:
The Start address has to be an address before the start of the link desired in order to show all messages for the link. In this example it is assumed there are no devices on the link 00. If there were, set the Start to the highest possible address that is not used, e.g. 00633109.
Message Masking