- Get a hard copy of all points in a controllers / system
- Get a hard copy of I/NET controllers' databases (SAV files)
I/NET Seven
Require a hard copy to view all points and database and / or extensions
There is a feature under Network Functions which allows you to print (screen or default printer) any or all controllers save in your Network Configuration. This lets you get a printout of exactly what points and point extensions you have added to the controllers
on your system.
- Select Edit >Host Computer >Network Functions from the main menu. The system displays the screen shown
- Choose the link of the controller(s) you wish to print from the drop-down list. The system now displays the controllers on the link you selected.
- Above the list are six push-buttons. Select the Print push-button.
- Choose the controllers you wish to mark for printing by either clicking on individual controllers in the list or by selecting All Yes. Controllers that are marked for printing will show a “Y” in the Print column of the list. Each click on a controller in the list will toggle the Print function between “–” and “Y”.
- Select the Setup push-button at the bottom of the window. The window shown below appears.
- If you want the database report to print to the screen activate the Print to screen checkbox.
- Select the database items that you want to print by clicking on the Select checkbox.
- To select multiple links follow Steps 2 through 6 for each link and controller, selecting Close from the Database Print
window to return to Network Functions, until you have selected each controller.
Note: The TAC I/NET Seven system lets you select more than one link at a time but this results in a very lengthy printing session. If you do not want to tie up the printer for an extended period of time select only one link at a time.
If N/A appears in the print column this means that the station exists for this controller, but no save file exists in the save file directory.
- When you have selected the appropriate parameters, select Print to start the printing.
- When you have selected the appropriate parameters, select Close to return to the Network Functions window.
Since database prints may be very long, make sure no manual control commands from the PC are needed during the time required for printing.
- Select Close to return to the Network Functions window.
This information is also available in TCON299 I/NET Seven Operators Guide - Chapter 2 Setup and Network Configuration