Following an attempt to update firmware, some MNB MS/TP controllers appear to be in a locked-up condition (ie: the status LED is red and blinking).
Product Line
TAC IA Series
I/A Series MNB controllers
The device was interrupted before completing the update, which cause the controller to be in bootloader mode.
To perform a successful firmware update it is imperative that once the update has been initiated it must not be interrupted until complete.
A successful firmware upgrade must be completed to get the controller out of bootloader mode. However, in most cases when this issue occurs the unit is no longer displayed in the WorkPlace Commissioning Tool device list. Therefore it cannot be selected for an upgrade.
To get the unit to show up in the list, it must be added as an MS/TP slave. This is done under the WorkPlace Commissioning Tool menu selection: File – add MS/TP Slave. The network number and the controller's MS/TP physical address must be known. Once defined as a slave it will appear in the list and can be selected for a firmware upgrade.
Note: If a controller shows up in MS/TP slave mode and indicates it contains the latest firmware it will be necessary to downgrade it to the previous firmware version to recover the unit and then upgrade to the latest firmware. To downgrade the firmware in an MSTP device open its Device Properties, go to the Firmware tab and click on "Update firmware". On the Update Firmware window check the box next to "Check here to preview or modify the updates to be applied and click "next". On the Update Details window click on the change button and a window with available firmware versions for that controller will be displayed. Select the "bin" file for the previous firmware revision and click on the Open button. Now click on the Start Update button to perform the firmware downgrade. If successful the controller will show up in the WPCT device list and can be upgraded to the latest firmware.
If suspect communications are what caused the update failure, it must be remedied prior to attempting another update. Once a successful firmware update has been completed the unit will boot normally. The status LED will be green and it will appear in the Device list.