How to modify a single trend sample value in Reports Server.
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
- Reports Server
In some cases the user may wish to edit a single value from a trend log stored within the Reports Server
- Log into the Reports Server PC
- Copy the 2 Queries below into separate Queries in SQL Management Studio. - Click Here to download both queries.
- Open these Queries in SQL Management Studio
- Open Workstation
- Browse the Extended Trend Log you wish to change a value on
- Copy the Path from workstation
- Open the Query GetInfo in SQL Management Studio and paste the path to the @myLog parameter in the query. Remember to enter the data between the single quotes.
- In Workstation, open a Trend Log list. Browse to the Time stamp for the value you wish to change
- Type that time between the single quotes for the parameter @thisTime. Format the data as shown Year-Month-Day Hour:Min:Second
- Set the @oneSecondLater parameter to one second in time later than the @thisTime parameter
- Execute the Query or press F5
- The Result should be a single row showing 3 columns
- Open the Query UpdateDb in SQL Managment Studio
- Set the @DateTimeStamp by Coping the result of the GetInfo query and pasting it between the single quotes.
- Set the @thisParentID and the @OriginalFloatValue parameters by copying the data in the same manner.
- Type the desired new value between the single quotes of the @newFloatValue parameter.
- Press F5 to execute the Query
- Re-Run the get info Query to verify the change
Query 1 - GetInfo
Declare @myLog nvarchar(1024) Declare @thisTime datetime2(3) Declare @oneSecondLater datetime2(3) SET @myLog = '' SET @thisTime = '' SET @oneSecondLater = '' SELECT sampledata.DateTimeStamp, sampledata.ParentID, sampledata.floatvalue from dbo.tblogtimevalues as sampledata join dbo.tbLoggedEntities as logs on sampledata.ParentID = logs.ID WHERE logs.Path = @myLog AND sampledata.DateTimeStamp between @thisTime and @oneSecondLater
Query 2 - UpdateDb
Declare @thisDateTimeStamp datetime2(3) Declare @thisParentID int Declare @OriginalFloatValue float Declare @newFloatValue float Set @thisDateTimeStamp = '' Set @thisParentID = '' Set @OriginalFloatValue = '' Set @newFloatValue = '' UPDATE dbo.tbLogTimeValues Set FloatVALUE=@newFloatValue,OdometerValue=@newFloatValue WHERE DateTimeStamp = @thisDateTimeStamp AND ParentID = @thisParentID