While editing graphics, the editor may "freeze" if you open the script window for a script object. This is because the window was last opened on a screen that is now not connected
Product Line
EcoStruxure Building Operation
EBO Graphics Editor
The position of the script window is saved along with other settings in a file on the PC. When the window was last opened on an external monitor, the window is displayed in the same position afterwards, ie. outside the area visible when the monitor is not connected.
- Make sure the editor is closed and edit the file.
- Path:% LOCALAPPDATA% \ Schneider_Electric_Buildi \ SE.Graphics.Editor.exe_Url_ [guid] \ [version] \ user.config
- [guid] can for example be: 5r4uwcrxydhrpcwgbhkkrpgxknpckzw5
- [version] can be - At the bottom of the file is "ScriptEditorWindowLocation". Set the value to e.g. 0.0 and save.