Error: "Event Receiver Failed - Could not retrieve any events from the event log"
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Replacement PC running Vista 4.5
- Vista IV
This is typical of a <4.5 Vista installation where the original PC running Vista Server has failed. The replacement PC name has not been changed to match the original PC name.
It could occur from a name change of the PC or Vista Server after TAC Vista installation.
This can be the result of a failed installation of the TAC Vista Config which creates communication issues between SQL and Vista.
Reinstall Vista making sure the PC has the proper name and follows the correct naming convention before you start installing. This will create new users including the proper PC name on the PC and in the SQL server.
If the installation continues to fail, send Product Support all error messages along with a copy of the Windows Event Log.
Failed to Read Event From Event Log Database - Vista IV may also be of interest.