Error message window appears when installing TAC Vista 5.1.6 as below.
It says that "XXX.dll file is an invalid Win32 application". But the installation could be finished without any other error messages.
However if trying to run TACOS.exe after installation. Another error message window appears as below. It said, "MSVCR100.dll is an invalid Windows image, please check your installation disk".
If you try to uninstall TAC Vista 5.1.6 which you just installed. You would get another error message window appears as below. It says "XXX.dll file is an invalid Win32 application".
User can not run TAC Vista 5.1.6 in your computer finally.
Product Line
TAC Vista
- Windows XP SP3
- TAC Vista 5.1.6
It may cause by the msvcr100.dll file is damaged.
- Uninstall TAC Vista 5.1.6. Refer to How to uninstall and completely remove TAC Vista 5 for detail
- In the %system root%\WINDOWS\system32, copy "msvcr100.dll" file from someone who has installed TAC Vista 5.1.6
- Rename the msvcr100.dll file which existed in the folder in your computer, user can rename the file such as msvcr100.dllx
- Copy the file from other computer and paste it into your computer folder
- Run TAC Vista 5.1.6 installation file again